Tina Belcher's Handlebar

C.E. Arnold: won’t go out in a blizzard to get food three blocks away, complains when delivery guys three blocks away don’t bring her food in a blizzard, contemplates egging Chinese restaurant when her food doesn’t get delivered in a motherfucking blizzard.

Today is supposed to be the day that I go back to eating normal sized portions of vegetables, lean meats, and less crap in general.

There is a special place in hell for people who order delivery during snowstorms. And in that hell, crab rangoon will always be Three. Blocks. Away.

you have raised the shit out of your son. and you don’t sound too bad yourself. xo

Wisconsinite here. Your pain is real.

At first take, I thought this read: “...if we expose our children to diabetes, they might join the diabetes team” which is an odd thought, given children’s fondness of candy...

Don’t care or get involved in political issues.....says man running for the presidency.

Imagine being in Wisconsin and having to watch him on TV.

So he’s evil and incredibly stupid. The Republican Party’s Great White Reagan-Fellating Hope, everybody!

I was asked if I wanted something to drink while getting a to go order. All I asked for was a Dr. Pepper with lots of ice. I'll NEVER be that difficult customer you want to punch in the taint.

Tightly ;)

Venti half-caff, half soy half half-and-half, triple shot, carmel in the cup, two thirds chai, one third latte with 5 pumps of sugar free vanilla, 3 hazelnut, two mocha, 1.5 white mocha, whipped cream in a rosette pattern, whispered lovingly to by a virgin in a monogrammed thermos.

slavery more like yayvery

He’s totally worth a shot. Shitty sitcoms can make anybody look unfunny. I believe his “New In Town” special is still on Netflix.

The Schumer bit was the lone highlight of a first episode that overall had an awkward beat to it.

That was seriously the best thing on Comedy Central last night.

Wanted to like the Hannibal show. Deleted after 5 min because of laugh track.

I love Hannibal and think he’s hilarious, but I watched the show last night and it was, well, not very good. Hopefully it gets better? The writing is really shaky and seems untested.