Tina Belcher's Handlebar

we don’t have many Channing Tatums or Chris Pratts, while the Aussies do.

“Similiar to your example, if some one went to the police 20 years after some one stole their laptop and said “they stole my laptop”, would you expect the cops to roll right on up and arrest them? For their company to immediately fire them? For all their credibility to be immediately diminished?”

See, that’s a dumb analogy because getting your laptop stolen doesn’t (or okay, very infrequently) give you PTSD which can make it impossible to come forward at the time of the incident.

It’s not like they dropped him because they just found out—you know they probably had any fixer they could hire covering this up for years—but they dropped him because WE found out. If it hadn’t been in the press that he made that statement, they’d still be his agency.

Am I the only one who takes issue with using the word “sex” in the recent reporting? He wanted to incapacitate them, which would mean rape, no?

I think that’s a perfect idea. “The Huxtable Show” starring Hannibal Buress as Mr. Huxtable.

I hope one day we’ll have a society that believes the victims of sexual assault and rape when they share their stories.

Joe got REAL angry, REAL quick. It was very off-putting.

Shawn creeps me out with his uber neediness and constant need to make everything about him.

My husband has been snared by the Bachelorette hook of possibly seeing more S-E-X (he just so happened to watch it for the first time on that fateful episode), and so I watched with the new fan yesterday...a few thoughts...I think they’re making Nick “that guy” the villain, Shaun the hero...and are maybe going to

Ugh I am currently team Ben he stays away from the drama and his face is cute lol although I was dying when K fell hook line and sinker for his unlovable line.

Nick’s hair bothers me. Also, the reality tv podcast I listen to calls Shawn, Ryan Schnozling.

More quotes from people who don’t understand how words work:

I’m a humanist, it’s the term I use to describe my secular beliefs, so it really irritates me when people are like “hurr durr I’m a Humanist not a Feminist”. Yes, hi, these are not comparable terms or foils of one another, you are an egalitarian please stop using a term you don't know the meaning of.

Man, thank you for writing this. People use the word “humanism” as if it wasn’t already a thing dating back thousands of years (or, more technically a few hundred)...

Absolutely, these idiots need to go back to first grade. Not to mention that humanism is a movement in the Renaissance, a line of thought that goes through Marx, and Freud, and others, etc etfuckingc.

HUMANISM IS A DIFFERENT THING ANYWAY. I’m a humanist, it’s the name given to organisation of secularism.

Are you? because Humanism is not what she says it is, the word you are looking for the describe her feelings that everyone should be equal is feminism.

Yeah the word you’re looking for is egalitarian, not humanist. Humanism is a belief system based on the belief that humans can sort themselves out without rules from a divine being & focuses on rationalism and empiricism over deism. Egalitarianism is the correct term for people that believe everyone needs a little