You mean to tell me that if manufacturers build fun to drive cars, drivers will actually buy them with a manual transmission?
You mean to tell me that if manufacturers build fun to drive cars, drivers will actually buy them with a manual transmission?
Unless, of course, you want a wagon. In which case, you’re extra screwed.
I hear you engineers out there, yelling about how automatics are faster and better at shifting than us mortals. But, as we’ve explained time and time again, they don’t make driving much fun. Thankfully, BMW says that it will keep putting manuals in its cars. As long as we buy them, of course.
I feel that is a disrespectful as football players kneeling.
Are you protesting anything? “Yes, you and your ilk”
Well, commies are okay now, it turns out, so long as they support the NRA.
Don’t get me started on the fucking pledge of allegiance, man.
You ought hear these people scream about the PFDs, it’s fucking insane. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE NOT GIVING ME AS MUCH FREE MONEY AS LAST YEAR?!?”, all from lifelong small government Republicans who voted for trump and bemoan the evils of socialism, of course. (I live in Alaska, if that wasn't clear)
For all the awful in this story, I agree that the reporter’s grilling at the end was the most embarrassing. It’s like he’s got to set the record straight, just checkin’ to see if these boys do indeed love their country. Pandering to the lowest base of human trash, which is probably half his readership. Terrible.
Jesus. All these flag humpers and they’re all wrong. The correct protocol for the national anthem is to stand and face the flag or, if the flag ins’t visible, the source of the music. Military members in uniform salute. That’s it. The hand-over-the-heart (or hat-over-the-heart) thing is widespread and completely…
I wonder if anyone has ever put the anthem on their fuckin’ mix. Seems like a bad song to fuck to, but these people are weird.
I’m wondering if the woman in the article (Laurie Vandenberg) is the same Laurie Vandenberg from Alaska who pursued a lengthy lawsuit against the State of Alaska for reemployment benefits after she hurt her arm when she reached for her laptop computer and “paperwork bag” while working for the State Department of…
If you’re flying over Alaska, you’re probably going to Russia.
The electoral college?
People always ask me if I plan to go back to where I grew up. Nah, man. I left for a fucking reason. I am smart enough to make a living in a ridiculously expensive city just so I can avoid the dipshits I grew up around.
Hey, flyover hicks, we all hear what youre saying out there but we are doing our best to ignore you because youre a bunch of ignorant small town shit heads.
So what if they don’t, anyway? Nationalism is a disease. As Voltaire said, “to be a good patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind.”
Yeah, the fact that so many people literally don’t get how symbolic protesting works makes my head hurt. By the way, I’m not claiming everyone who has a problem with the protests don’t understand the mechanism, but I’ve already so many bizarre takes like this.
And yet it shouldn’t even matter if they don’t love this country. For fuck’s sake.
I assume she has strong feelings when her state oil royalty check is a few days late.