You make it sound like it looked like Days of Heaven or something.
You make it sound like it looked like Days of Heaven or something.
Yeah I watched a documentary on it the other day. Started without a coherent script, with no idea if half the cast would turn up and cobbled together in a mad rush. Everyone involved seemed amazed even now that it wasn’t a car crash.
Was it religion based offence? I'm surprised they made it that far if that was the case.
I can only think of three criticisms of this whole series.
It’s not a shrug. The eternal moment through which Dr Manhatten experiences all time simultaneously must be predetermined. If he gets shot he was always going to be shot and always is being shot and there isn’t a thing he can do about it. The only exception being Veidt’s tachion shielded device that sent him into the…
The ‘keeping the peace’ thing is a lie, Wade calls Keene on it straight away. We won’t know their motives until we know their end game. I have a sinking feeling though that the logistics of this plan are not going to fall into place quite right and some of this stuff is just ‘action set piece’ that won’t make much sens…
The squid scene was chilling, actually raised goosebumps. Also who would have thought Looking Glass would turn out to be quite endearing instead of the cold weirdo that would be the more obvious route.
That didn't cross my mind. He's certainly lanky enough to slube into a storm drain.
He wrote ‘save me D’. I don’t think Manhatten is the captor, he is asking him to come to the rescue.
The journal was sent to the far right crank newspaper The New Frontiersman. No one believed it was real except far right cranks like the 7K.
It’s an eccentric upper class English accent that’s leaning very deliberately into its campiness. It’s not quite comic Veidt but it works for Irons’s take.
You are the first person I've seen who isn't on board.
There’s a mystery about what exactly is happening with Veidt seemingly imprisoned with clones in a mansion. I have no doubt that this is hurtling towards an answer though, one that most of us have figured out at least partially already.
What an ending! I honestly haven't a clue where and and by who he is being hoisted away by - the government? Ozymandias? Both? Some kind of secretive band of heroes? No clue. I honestly love this show.
Well that is just plain odd to me. Still have to see Waititi play wacky Hitler though.
Wonder if Disney nuked the tonality. It seems to me the only way this would work is to up the contrast between the twee presentation and the absolute horror underneath to gain nervous laughs at the absurdity of believing any of this could be normal. It should be as scary as it is funny. That requires a much more…
Not theatre, but one that stands out to me was watching the following scene from 1988 oddity Paperhouse as a child and jumping so much I fell off the sofa. I was inconsolable for ages after.
It’s quite a bit more fun than season 2. Yes, Hopper is a bit one note and there is some truly obnoxious product placement, but there is also tonnes of the Harrison and Dustin show to enjoy, lots of satisfyingly gooey monster shenanigans and a much tighter arc this time around. It isn't a let down at all.
And they are all so angry about it. To the point of harbouring grudge against reviewers. I don't get it either.