
*Dog pope

The only thing I vaguely agree with is about the lore, but it’s not really the approach that’s the problem more that it’s success is mixed in actually telling a story even if it works to build atmosphere. I think it only truly works gangbusters in Bloodborne where by the end you will have a entire coherent story made

The "I want the thing you love to change because I don't like it" is a deeply entitled argument isn't it?  Like turning up a country music festival and demanding death metal. 

There's something off though. I'm finding it hard to articulate exactly what that is, too glossy?

It's very glossy isn't it?

I always wondered if a standard triple A length was requirement to getting it made. They must have known it was too long surely, it’s such an obvious flaw. You are right, at 6-8 hours it would have been a masterpiece.

Sausage Party being a critical darling absolutely baffled me.

It was about as silly as it always has been, but slightly better shot. It’s already better than the final season, but tbf all it has to do to vault that bar is keep things happening at a steady pace for 10 episodes rather than the frustrating wheel spinning we were subjected to. Also has there ever been a Dexter

In an odd way, the movie feels like an update of a Cinemascope epic, with impressive vistas, an overall sense of exotic grandeur, and a deliberate pace." Translation: There was a lot of sand 

*Portentously whispers meaningless idiom*

Easily the head + ants shot in Hereditary, you could just feel the reaction in the room. 

Yeah I like them well enough, but the critical love Marvel inspires does puzzle me quite a bit. 

It's not a plot point it dwells on for long. 

Nah, it was entirely self aware.

I think the reviews are too kind tbh, the production is so dreary and lifeless that the decent moments neutered and everything is else is borderline unlistenable.

How ridiculous. Hope it gets thrown out of court

I completely forgot cult existed it's just blurred into apocalypse as one big load of nothing.

In the way this indulged in lazy fan service and meta textual gibberish reminded me of season 3 of Sherlock. I don't like being reminded of season 3 of Sherlock.

I’ve enjoyed this a lot more than most critics too. But hasn’t AHS been camper than a row of tents from day one? I don’t think it was ever ‘proper horror’ even at its best (Asylum).

Its a pity. Around the time of BLU they seemed pretty progressive with jokes about racism in the armed forces etc. Then they started pandering to the Chan dwellers and edgy memesters. I still have affection for the series despite this stuff and it does seem a twinge of regret has set in with Matt and Trey, who are