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    Yeah...she sure looks real sad or hopeful in that picture.
    Christ, what a farce.

    You don’t see the problem with you being no better than Netflix by describing them as ‘gamer bros’? You’re not even trying to take this seriously.

    She literally tells men that she can, because on live air she said in the future she is planning hookups.

    Stop acting like more money for the studios is a bad thing. Without companies like Disney, we wouldn’t have the MCU.

    OH my fucking god, if you think doing away with gamepad controllers is a good idea you deserve to fired. Thanks, ablest dick.

    Oh my fucking god, who cares. I’m sick of the double standards in this industry.

    Fuck you’re slideshows. You’re a news site. Write an article or don’t make anything at all.

    Holy shit, just report the news. If I have to scroll and then can’t find the NEWS INFORMATION YOUR TITLE DISCUSSES, you have failed at your job.

    “Everyone” implies, ya know, EVERYONE. If multiple people first heard about this through your article, then your own title is objectively a lie.

    Stop being facetious and explain the actual news. 

    You have completely missed the point of why people are upset. This is a completely irrelevant comparison. 

    Oh my god, its not a real person. It’s designed to look good. You think men have it any easier, with a beauty standard of how men in media look?

    Holy Shit, you don’t even actually explain what the update did the door. Did your editor just shit their pants and call it a day?

    Your title is a lie, implies multiple people, and mentions getting drunk, and learning their personal secrets. The article itself covers one character being drugged, not drunk, and then describing a literal, comatose sleeping dream, not personal secrets. Christ, your job isn’t this hard. Stop manipulating people.

    No, it isn’t okay. Why do gaming journalist always suck at their job? This isn’t hard to figure it out.

    Glitches aren’t a natural exploit. And they used hotkeys, and quitted the game itself. Calling this a speedrun is a lie.

    Glitches aren’t a natural exploit. And they used hotkeys, and quitted the game itself. Calling this a speedrun is a lie.

    This was using glitches, hotkeys, and even QUITTING THE GAME. This isn’t a speedrun.

    She isnt right. And neither is he.

    Oh shut the fuck up. Don’t blame devs just because some of the players are shitty.