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    As a Black person, I shouldn’t have to explain myself. I shouldn’t have to provide context and reasoning for why I am where I am. I just am and that’s enough!”

    They made the main lead a moron who doesn’t act like a normal human would, and they made the female lead villain one of the stupidest cunts in the past decade of video game villains. Yeah, real good representation. 

    They reached this point a long fucking time ago. Do your job and report news.

    Warning: this headline is possibly a slight exaggeration”

    Jesus christ, do your job and clarify its the old one in the title. Fuck off using remake pictures.

    you post like an asshole....

    Your ‘joke’ title isn’t funny. Lying and falsifying information is never funny. No one cares about what you want. Report the mother fucking news or fuck off.

    That’s complete bullshit and the developers are being lazy or not bothering to put time and effort into fleshing out their characters having personalities because the story and characters in Apex aren’t suppose to matter, just make them money.

    It can be both. It IS both. Christ, not even one article can go without saying something bad. This isn’t hard.

    Half of this list is things that also exist in L4D. Stop bloating your articles.

    You didn’t explain why a new release is being banned. They lifted restrictions, and now a new version is being released. Why is it banned.

    Why do the devs not understand Alien shouldn’t be a co-op shooter but single player? That’s why Isolation was such a success. I would sooner play/buy Isolation 2 or another game that builds up its action through unlocking weapons like Resident Evil.

    They have been retro for over 10 years you fuck. This isn’t news.

    So what’s the part of the change he’s not willing to make? Your title was a lie. This was just a fluff piece regurgitating things we already knew.

    Okay Boomer.

    You wrote an entire article saying its Rockstars fault for how players do fucked up stuff in their game. That’s not their fault. Jesus Christ, you’re supposed to be a journalist. Do your fucking job.

    You just described how Dark Souls handles it’s durability. Except Dark Souls still did it better.

    Who the fuck actually watched it on Adultswim? It was reruns only. That doesn’t save shit.

    I can’t believe the reigning leader of an entire country has fewer life skills than a child who was literally raised by wolves.”

    This might be the best article I have read on Kotaku, on anything Gawker, in months. This is proper video game journalism. Thank you.