
In actual gaming news Neo: The World Ends With You stealth launched on Steam Yesterday.

While the whole world has been notified of the death of a person with a substantial connection to a bloody history of imperialism and colonialism”

“I didn’t mean to mislead anyone.”

I have always taken issue with the discourse around Quiet which always just sounded to me like slut-shaming. Wanting a Resident Evil giantess to sit on you is perfectly cool but a woman existing in a bikini is Japanese perviness in full effect.

I truly do not understand what point this dude was trying to make and I’m not sure he does either.

I think what pisses off so many people is that she *is* smart. She knows what she’s doing and she does it well and she knows when and where to jump in and jump out.

The ban history and reasons for bans. And just look at the content in her work - it has 0 content besides sexual content

I know people are going to jump on me about this, but how exactly is glitching a game into ending “beating” it.

“You’re the villain because you let me do this.  I’m doing this because I need to be stopped,” is some straight up super-villain shit.  Fuck this guy.

He might be saying he ‘wants to get caught’ so that the ‘exploit gets fixed’, but fucking up people’s games is not how to do that. Just because you say you have noble purpose doesn’t mean you aren’t being an asshole.

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you actually dull enough to not get the absolute basics of why pausing is a good thing for games to let you do?

Why are you humouring this psychotic dork’s pretensions by using the nickname he prefers to go by?

he did something, much more in fact that pretty much any entity has up to this point, on a world wide stage giving eyes and ears and you want to say it’s not enough?

people are just mad and jealous that a pretty girl is smarter than them and gamed a system to her advantage.

I never would’ve known she existed if not for this site and it certainly doesn’t take a genius to figure out that 99% of her appeal is that she’s hot. Plain and simple. Nothing I’ve read in any of these articles about her has made it seem like she has any interesting talent(s) worth spending hours of time watching her

In other words, they seem to miss the point.”

I take it you didn’t quite read far enough to get to the point where that was literally discussed in the article?

Worst possible take ever. Listen, I agree White Privilege is a thing, but this article is reminiscent of every woman who chimed in on #metoo because their date wouldn’t buy them a lobster.

You had a perfect opportunity to focus on how music unites, despite genre, or maybe that just doesn’t get clicks.   Awful piece.

Did your mind just explode into a cacophony of disco sounds because Dave legit just dropped a bomb on us (pun completely intended)?!

White privilege? Really? Is this where we are now? A man can’t even pay homage to artists who inspire him without being accused of white privilege?