
Agreed. I’m hoping the sarcasm came through.

I like the part where Brown walked back to the bench and didn’t even look at Curry. And also the part where the Warriors lost.

I don’t know about tennis terminology, but it doesn’t decide the case whether it’s common or not, because it is a common way to describe hard-to-defend attacks. I definitely give this guy the benefit of the doubt.

Not to mention that the only area of the world that cares about the Patriots went for Clinton during the general, while Georgia and its surrounding states were Trump country. Irony is ironic sometimes.

Certain Deadspin staff decided to turn this game into an allegory for the current political reality, and it blew up in their face. Again.

Deadpsin’s tears are so delicious right now

The Falcons Blew A 25 Point Lead

Yeah, the dude throws for 400+ yards and leads a comeback from 25 down, and this is what you post.

Mmm problematic to the narrative

I give it a few weeks before the CIA and the FBI start to ‘Deep Throat’ and leak the dirt on Trump to the Press. Impeachment hearings by the Summer.

i don’t know that it’s fake or not. how do you know that it’s real?

A lot of the fake news reported against Hillary or Obama was also couched in the same “you decide!” language. When your target is angry voters who feel wronged (on either side) they’re willing to lap up any potential news they want to hear.

By doing so, they’re implicitly giving the report legitimacy.

Just because the other side doesn’t make it ok for you to do it.

This is the epitome of “fake news”. Buzzfeed should never have published it, because already many are assuming its true, which is the entire reason the fake news issue is a problem.

You mean to tell me that rumors were made up from the scum of the internet and the liberal media ran with it as if it were true?!? I’m shocked!

What part of “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom ... of the press” and “No state shall ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” do you not understand?

I don’t care that an off-the-end-of-the-bat infield single technically prevented this game from also being a no-hitter; it’s the most dominant single game pitching performance of all time. Also to keep in mind: the Astros won 102 games that year and had the 3rd most efficient offense in the entire league.