go to the cool town, nobody cares about the quality of the baseball
go to the cool town, nobody cares about the quality of the baseball
the moment they made the second one, based off a book that ignored the ending of the first one and instead was set in the world of the movie version, but then ignored the book anyway
Tie between Magnolia and Caligula
How can anyone answer this question when all their songs sound the same?
Hungover Pats fans everywhere respond to Magary shouting expletives:
Marky Mark? Go the fuck away.
I like the part where Brown walked back to the bench and didn’t even look at Curry. And also the part where the Warriors lost.
I don’t know about tennis terminology, but it doesn’t decide the case whether it’s common or not, because it is a common way to describe hard-to-defend attacks. I definitely give this guy the benefit of the doubt.
Not to mention that the only area of the world that cares about the Patriots went for Clinton during the general, while Georgia and its surrounding states were Trump country. Irony is ironic sometimes.
Certain Deadspin staff decided to turn this game into an allegory for the current political reality, and it blew up in their face. Again.
Deadpsin’s tears are so delicious right now
The Falcons Blew A 25 Point Lead
Yeah, the dude throws for 400+ yards and leads a comeback from 25 down, and this is what you post.
It’s exactly as colossally stupid as it seems. Trump became the nominee of the Party that embraced him so thoroughly due, in no small part, to the fact that the press soft-pedaled the obscenity of his life, his actions, his politics, and his own language. Werder is behaving as if this was an exception, and as if Trump…
I don’t care that an off-the-end-of-the-bat infield single technically prevented this game from also being a no-hitter; it’s the most dominant single game pitching performance of all time. Also to keep in mind: the Astros won 102 games that year and had the 3rd most efficient offense in the entire league.
Re: Pitchfork and all the other big outlets’ end of year lists...
why wouldn’t they just keep it with who he announced first?
even worse, I have a friend who will call, and NOT leave a voicemail, and wont send a “I called because...” text either. Then, if you dont call him back, he gets annoyed.
My voicemail message says “Send me a text.” I don’t listen to voicemail.
“Don’t you know we’re on computers?! This is the future!”