
go to the cool town, nobody cares about the quality of the baseball

the moment they made the second one, based off a book that ignored the ending of the first one and instead was set in the world of the movie version, but then ignored the book anyway

Tie between Magnolia and Caligula

How can anyone answer this question when all their songs sound the same?

Hungover Pats fans everywhere respond to Magary shouting expletives:

Marky Mark? Go the fuck away.

I await the usual commenters on this site to tell me why it doesn’t count when Obama does it.

“how do you write a post on this and fail to mention that 85 #resistance democrats voted in favor of giving trump and sessions warrantless domestic spying power?!”

Un-fucking-constitutional and against the very foundation of this country. WTF??

Would have been nice if Obama had done away with this sort of thing instead of growing it

I’ll go a step further:

I would alter your statement to encompass a grander scale:

The free market and medicine are incompatible.

As much as I can afford, which isn’t much.

Yeah, I forgot to add “per day” to that.

Or, you know, one of human history’s most successful people

Isnt he in Trumps group of advisers?

I feel a responsibility as the CEO of an important company to grow jobs in the United States...”

not i...have have posted a thousand times, we need Trump to complete the term so no one that actually knows what they are doing can do it.

I find it strange that this article didn’t even mention the possibility that her story was made up and just took everything at face value, even though it was very strongly hinted at as you mentioned. I’m not saying everyone has to, or should, believe one way or the other, but they obviously threw in ambiguity. I am