
“So you can have a whole conversation with over 30 friends as a cartoon version of yourself.”

their frozen pizza is actually pre-cooked, near-pizzeria quality pizza, that you heat up in the oven. shockingly good 

crumpling allows you to really get in there while not having to actually feel the poo through the TP

my next door neighbor doesn’t have a doorknob on his street-level house. i’ve lived next to him for 9 months now and the whole time it’s been just a door with a big round hole where the knob should be. i see him come and go at odd hours, in scrubs, driving either a bmw or a nice pickup. we’ve spoken a few times,

how so?

...for the salvation of all humanity, of course

has anyone aged-out of weed?

how about as part of school registration, guardians must disclose whether a gun is in the household. similarly for firearm registration, the owners must disclose if anyone in their household attends a school and if so, which one(s) and compel the seller to notify the school so that that gun is now registered. puts

is there going to be an article about the cooks hit? somehow a marquee player getting brutally knocked unconscious and concussed by a helmet to helmet hit in the super bowl was a complete non-story during and since the game

Throw Malcom From The Train is a classic!

only if they codify it is it a giant step forward, otherwise it’s just the umpteenth example of bad rule/bad call BS

Pats fan here: the first one should’ve been called back, the 2nd one was good though. Eagles would’ve won regardless, that O line was perfect. Hats off to ‘em

just going by your logic that as long as it means stopping one terrorist attack and it doesn’t impede actually living your life, then a little erosion of your 4th amendment rights is all good

it’s not fake just utterly devoid of context. just like the quote in this post from Sen. Wyden calling the re-authorization a “dereliction of duty by Congress”, journalists who fail to provide the proper scope of context are derelict in their duties to their readers.

constitutionally, there is no difference between warrantless searching of my house or digital communications.

what if a permanent national curfew of 7pm meant stopping one terrorist attack? what if stopping all commercial air travel indefinitely meant stopping one terrorist attack? what if random searches of all homes meant stopping one terrorist attack?

it’s a nice sentiment, but ultimately power and money wins the day

and these votes reauthorized it (but not before voting against even debating on it) through 2023 with no meaningful reforms. trump was against it. he tweeted as much and a couple hours later after someone came rushing into his bedroom to tell him that he needs to be in favor of it, he tweeted again, stating his

Feinstein, Pelosi, Schiff...you know the people who claim Trump’s a Putin puppet but curiously have no problem giving him and Sessions unfettered power to spy on Americans without a warrant and presumably turn over whatever he finds to their masters in the Kremlin