
i don’t know that it’s fake or not. how do you know that it’s real?

a faked document making its way to national press feeds into their (and Trump’s) narrative that the media are liars.

that the march will be one day late

“grow up and stop your crying” perfect reply to Trump’s whining about Meryl Streep’s speech at the GGs, isn’t it?

Haha ok that was pretty good

my entire claim is the IC hasn’t presented any hard evidence that Putin/Kremlin is behind hacks, yet many in congress continue to ratchet up the cold war rhetoric based on said hacks and cold wars can lead to actual wars.

that’s what ppl on here seem to think for some reason

no i’d say oh then this will be an easy guilty verdict then

no, that’s not my claim. also, a series of claims is not evidence.

i dont believe they did or didn’t do it, as i havent seen evidence of either.

i don’t need more proof, i need any proof

i don’t follow that first paragraph

if you’re referring to claims the IC is making...claims aren’t evidence

that’s the opposite of critical thinking, just accepting what someone says, authority or not.

you can say the same thing as someone, that doesn’t make you a supporter of that person. like “i like hamburgers”. if Trump also said “i like hamburgers”, that does not mean i would necessarily be found sporting a red MAGA hat.

wait, so, wanting to see hard evidence and not accepting claims at face value isn’t thinking critically?

you believe the evidence provided to you...the existing evidence we’re debating...

dude, your avatar. it says “demand evidence and think critically”. yet here you are, accepting a claim without demanding evidence and hence, not thinking critically.

you ought to suspect that this person perhaps hasn’t forgotten, unlike some people, about the last time the IC merely claimed to have the goods

oh the irony