
I guess that means the NFLs got the time now to look into that other cowboy...who may have actually done something truly wrong

you mean you’re not just going to take the intel state’s word for it? go back to breitbart ya Trump voting Putin lover!


an intercepted message from the kremlin/putin directing the hackers/hacking is one example

I don’t follow. I’m only asking for hard evidence. Show it to me and we’re good.

Yeah don’t let yourself fall victim to requiring a single shred of evidence or remembering the last time the intel state made a massive, baseless claim that ended up costing thousands upon thousands of lives over 14+ years with no end in sight. These are good Americans like yourself, full of true grit!


whats could it be made out of to withstand lava?

iggy and josh >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the struts

so that’s how you win the nobel peace prize

Let us all take a moment to ponder the first two sentences of this post. The lack of irony is magnificent.

if FDR planned to pick a fight with a nuclear power the minute he got into office, given that were even a possibility at the time, then yeah HRC is just like FDR.

definitely no nobler way to vote than 1% darling, Hillary C’mon War!! Clinton

that was very brave of them.

“They should be forgotten....It’s fair to say that...[they] should never do it again.”

“There is also evidence that both the RNC and DNC were hacked by the Russians”

“No. If you were anywhere near the discussion, you’d know that Hillary Dems heaped scorn on “progressives.””

sure sounds like a lot of people have a lot of evidence, let’s see it.