
“It certainly is all over the big news outlets.”

you don’t think that a huge portion of HRC voters and those who attended her rallies and other campaign stopss, consider themselves progressives?

this is the story being pushed by every major news outlet, which means this is the story most people get and believe. just look at that list of stories that MrTexas just copy/pasted or us to look at. all from major corporate sources.

“a big progressive gala”

money hasn’t been thwarted nor is it angry, money is ecstatic. money (aka goldman sachs) is enjoying a 33% increase in stock price since the election. money is still getting cabinet positons.

@4thgen is correct. claims are not evidence.

“the American people are less likely than ever to just take the government at its word.”

Yeah that one bends over backwards to absolve Brazile and gives the clear impression that sending HRC questions Pre-debate is perfectly ok.

they may be right, they may be telling at least some version of the truth, but let’s see the evidence this time since we all remember what happpened last time we blindly took the intel state’s word for it:


or he’s involved in some insider trading:

so when can we expect to see the retraction and apology for:

so when can we expect to see the retraction and apology for:

so when can we expect to see the retraction and apology for:

perhaps not, but some evidence is infintely more than zero evidence. right now their evidence is “cuz i said so”

i gotcha

also, i didn’t ask for a source, just evidence

sounds like a classic case of

Does anyone else feel dumb buying anything the intelligence state says after it was revealed that they’ve been spying on us?

“questions about the integrity of the election process” prompted by incidents like the DNC hack