
a cautionary tale for you

1A only protects you from the government, not a private organization

Stop using the word content. Everyone, for anything at all.

how do all these people not see the irony in their actions?! the whole point of (peacefully) protesting is to draw as much attention and awareness to an issue as possible, so when they go on TV or write an op-ed to complain about how/when the protest was carried out, they’re contributing to the success of that protest

“There’s a time and a place to exercise your 1st amendment rights kids and that’s whenever you don’t have the attention of millions upon millions of people who are simultaneously thinking about the place where the thing you’re protesting is occurring.”

this op-ed is the seattle seahawks “unity” stunt of op-eds


so I guess there will be TrumpTV and then ZuckTV. not long before a Zuckerberg candidacy I suppose.

I say they have to be contracted.

makes sense that they’d have a matching set, but that’d also make them harder to find once they’re inevitably lost.

“you can’t have your cake and not get shot while eating it too”

That’s like applauding republicans for denouncing Trump a year into his candidacy

just have a story this time

lol at ppl arguing over superdelegates, etc. all the while our corporate overlords run the show

I know glossy black looks great and it’s unlike any iPhone that’s come before it

why do the people with guns get all the credit in the US? you never hear “americas’s great thanks to doctors and teachers and artists and non-profit workers, etc.”

i personally will not miss the cord getting caught on things around the house and causing much pain to my lobes.

I’ll never understand gawker media’s hatred for the best remaining candidate

73% have read a book in the last year?!?! BULLLLLLLSHIIIITTTT

what exactly was the point of the drugs in the vagina?