
allow me to project for a moment, but do you happen also believe meg white, john bonham and ringo starr are shit drummers?


the headline of this article made me think “we haven’t found the aliens that have already found us becuase they’re from the future”

even better!

132412312x more accurate headline: “Teens are Reporting Inhaling The Good Plant like Never Before”

i’m sure the guy will FIND NEW WAYS OF LIVING

credit where credit is due:

please never attend another concert

so in other words, given a different context, it was just a great block?

Mini Mansions Are Fucking Perfect

i’ve really tried with the struts since i seem to like a lot of the same tunes as Drew, but i’m not hearing it. the guy’s voice lacks character. they don’t sound like they have a thing that’s their own.

He went with “sucks”?! THAT’S the best he could do?!

Where’s Don DeLillo’s Zero K?

has an olympics ever made the host city money?

if they can also read links/articles people send me and generate a response, i’d pay $1,000 for it

way to do something extremely cool and then instantly ruin it

in other words, this is water.

Kid A is my fave Radiohead album. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors is awesome.

but we NEED florida to keep the floridians away!