
i honestly don’t know: why ARE we decades behind infrastructure tech as compared with other first world countries? i.e., high-speed rail, update/not-in-disrepair mass transit, etc.

on to Mao!

Snowden and thousands of others in the tech community knew the FBI’s claim was BS at the time

This isn’t the story. The FBI testifying under oath that only apple could unlock the phone is the story. They knowingly and willingly committed perjury to establish precedent. No one from the FBI will go to jail do it. This is the story.

probably just a bunch of infernal “please call me” emails

yeah this won’t lead to even more people turning up dead in central park

it’s gotta happen sometime, but really sucks for people who rely on the metro to get to work - that one missed day or missed hours could make for some serious difficulty for lower income people (credit to Dan Riffle on Twitter for the thought)

“lock her up in a cemetery!”

what’s with the superfluous “NYC” in the title of the article?

it least that means it’ll be going SOMEWHERE. this show has been borderline unwatchable for at least a couple seasons now and yet...i still watch in hopes that the chracters might actually evolve an inch or that the story may go somewhere and not just a new locale, that’ll be nice for a little while then will be

what’s the point in railing against tv shows you don’t like when never in the history of television has there been such quantity of brilliant tv shows to enjoy and appreciate?

This is way more lewd than the old playboy...genius

i moved away from FL to a city far, far away and my quality of life has skyrocketed. i am way happier.

“Anyone smart enough not to sign me is okay in my book.”

then someone will bitch that the team that scored first got a raw deal.

...unless the team that wins the toss scores a touchdown on their opening possession.

yes it does. the coin toss disproportionately favors the coin toss winner (when the winner chooses to receive).

it gets you high unlike weed you would need to smoke a whole “blunt” of it to get high

Anyone already using the air video HD appletv4 app?

i dunno, i think they really struck gold with “Swagway”. really rolls off the...OUCH!