
to sell tickets of course.

i’m putting my seat back every time. it’s already a thin, narrow, expensive as fuck chair. i get one little button of control over my seat and im going to use it every time. i know...it’s not fair, however will you make it through the next hour and a half?! solution: press your little button of control. not enough?

Gross, that awful song is inspiring headlines now?

doesn’t the blog ‘Gawker’ have DOZENS of other blogs?

terrorist, agreed. i don’t think many ppl view it as a ‘random’ act of violence either. the dude did after all have his white supremacist website made known to the public.

i never said ‘kill people at random’. that’s a particular type of mass murder, killing indiscriminately. i was and am talking about mass shootings that are not indiscriminate. take for example the father who already on his last dime, is laid off. feels like a failure to his family and sees no other way out for him and

it’s a convenient distraction. there’s not significant politcal capital being wagered by calling for the removal of the confederate flag. it serves to placate and give the illusion of progress.


what might not be possible? amending the consitution? it’s been done already. 27 times. there’s a process for it and everything. but as i said, if an amendment were up for a vote to amend the constitution that put the decision in the hands of the state, i’d vote in favor.

allow me to rephrase: “i can’t think of very many other examples, but if i were a congressman i’d vote in favor of an amendment to the constitution that would leave the decision on gun ownership to the states.”

you make great points but my points and yours are not mutually exclusive. not all mass or single-victim shooters are mentally ill - perhaps more often than not they’re not mentally ill and are acting for example, in the heat of the moment, as it were.

So the fuck what. Pay your workers a living wage you shameless scumbags

if you’re gonna cheat, make sure you win, ya jackass. - patriots


i say this as a liberal: stop looking for ways to be offended.