
are we watching the same show?

whoops, meant for author

Goole Translate:

What about the whiners who have public transit in their city?

this coming from the same blog that has amde it its mission to get int he business of someone they don’t know for 500 straight days?

take a quick pic or two during a song that isn’t as well-known as the others and be done with it. no videos. god help you if you take a video in front of me. i will yell at you. dude at tame impala the other night found that out to applause of the ppl behind him/next to me

you can ttly get a neck tattoo, itll just look bad, like all tattoos :)

if you yell at someone at an event who constantly has their phone in the air, “PUT DOWN YOUR FUCKING PHONE. YES YOU. EVERYONE BEHIND YOU HATES YOU.”, they will do it! :)

neil degrasse tyson seems to enjoy his celebrity. A LOT.

I think it’s a kind of defense mechanism. ‘Look how comfortable and unselfaware I am on the subway, in the big city, being a total weirdo, so you know I’m from here and not fuck with me.’

alternate headline: “skank being skanky on jerry jones”

What a ridiculous rule. Me get as well make the hitter dance a little jig too

i re-read that article while on a cruise ship a few weeks ago while simultaneously hungover and seasick. i just kept thinking, “i should’ve listened”

hey, where’d ya go??

you’re right!

hey, david foster wallace’s speech at kenyon was incredible

damnit kraft, sue the nfl and get goodell out of there

mustve missed the 5-10 years part of my post

Getting raped is character building (for Sansa), as in, it will shape the rest of her life...you'll see