
it's certainly big!

full disclosure: i'm a pats fan.

all super cool, but cmon, none of these hold a candle to the primal joy of banging away on a drum set.

people who made obvious, lazy 'hitting a bitch' jokes: you're not funny or clever and should refrain from attempting to be either.

man, how can the nfl/goodell claim to be avengers of evil re: cheating, domestic violence, traumatic brain injury but not racism?

but if they had the rule book they wouldn't have whined about it...like you! :):)

buy the new Apple Egg-Timer! just 600 bucks!

can this please cancel out the ball scandal?

apparently the NY Post is under the impression that testicles must become erect in order for intercourse to occur

i'm shocked at this about face, truly shocked. not shocked at them saying 'but it ain't man's fault!' gotta keep that oil burning!

so since they were found to be illegal before the start of the 2nd half, the officials made sure that the Pats used legal balls during the second half....right?

so the NFL knew ahead of time and waited until it was too late to act. can;t ever fault the NFL for inconsistency

but you only get it free for a year. eff that shit. it's just a way to increase upgrade revenue

no thanks

Why are they referred to as "high school football players" as opposed to just "high school students"?

Buttfumble? God again!

Seahawks have luckiest win ever; pats destroy colts. Seahawks 2.5 point favorites...?

i have the impression Tinder is just how dating is done within a certain age range, at least here in DC. agree/disagree?

He was playing in a playoff game.

"how dare the other team be "deceptive" in their totally legal formations that i hadn't already thought of first!" - Loser