
This is bullshit - FSU alum/fan

for a little while, then it'll be in the cloud. rinse and repeat.

another person who hasn't ever heard the expression, 'the crime doesn't fit the punishment'

fighting to get the team back would first mean fighting to get the lifetime ban lifted, which as we'd likely all agree, would not happen.

really? it's called an 'expression'

ban for life, dude. no one's getting banned for life for the wrong shoe laces

is that the case? maybe so. i was just under the impression that he could have no business relationships of any kind with the NBA...not sure if that extends to buying a ticket and/or attending a game

what i think was unjust was in this case, previous allegations/facts notwithstanding, was the lifetime ban (in other comments i changed my position on the being forced to sell his team aspect, agreeing with others who pointed out he violated NBA rules and was forced to sell his team accordingly). i don't see how what

hey jimmyjam, in another comment (i know this thread got crowded) i said that similar points were were good ones and made my record analogy a bad one.

someone has to be

i just ignored your question to point it out cuz it was obvious enough.

and the lifetime ban

"dude's not even that great of a comedian" is far more offensive.

good points that Sterling agreed to certain rules and therefore my analogy doesn't hold up. but back to my original point that the punishment is ridiculously punitive, regardless of what NBA team ownership rules say. we can even put the losing your team part of it aside, because he did break those rules. that leaves

a bit homophobic don't you think? reference a comedian twice and 'i'm gay for bill burr'.

i'm not defending anyone. i'm defending punishments fitting crimes.

that's irrelevant. he didn't want to sell his team. i have some rare records that are worth some serious dough. i have no intention of ever selling them no matter how much i could get for them and if someone made me sell them, no matter how much i got for them, i would not say "well this actually worked out in my

ok. do you feel the punishment fits the crime?

ridiculously punitive punishment for this guy. just listen to bill burr's bit on it and you'll get it.

yeah man, if anyone's qualified to call another an alcoholic it's someone who has been on the receiving end of its manifestation and has also sworn it off for 40 years.