

woulda, shoulda, coulda.

i figured people would be making fun of Christie for his near literal star-fucking of jerry jones. along with that other guy simultaneously draping himself over JJ

Really shocked they aired multiple, uncensored scenes of an all-male, group mutual masturbation session in jerry jones' box

You had me 99% sold until you said $99. How about $49 and they sell a million of em

Grunblegrumblegrumble somethin about class!

The Cubs had won the World Series in the 2015 in BTTF II...so we have 11 months to go before we should be having this conversation


i dont care what anyone says, it's pronounced "Dang-guh-low"

I didn't imply it had been. More like pointing out what is vs. whats described in the rather un-American "pledging of allegiance" to the flag or state or anything for that matter.

"showing your ass" is an expression i don't understand, dont' hear often and always makes me feel icky

Never did like Oliver Stone's The Doors

I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United Police States of America, and to the oligarchy, for which it stands, war nation, under surveillance, unrecognizable, with liberty and justice for some.

i didn't have one. never thought about it or stopped to think, '"redskins", that could be something akin to naming a team the Washington Niggers.' i was ignorant. now i'm not (at least on this subject) since it's been brought to my attention and i've decided for myself that we can do better than a term that was coined

or just the massive waste of money the olympics is. DC's not hurting for the publicity to attract businesses, people, etc.

as long as they change them from the Washington Whoevers to the Maryland Whoevers, I'm cool with that

No thanks!

someone at Gizmodo please buy an E-meter, tear it down and post the findings.

if either of you did your homework you'd know that the study was specifically studying men. smh

im a guy with access to the internet and i dont want to get married, not because of what the internet can provide, but because the whole enterprise of marriage sounds effing insane. it also appears to be excruciatingly boring. i've actually been surrounded by happy, enduring marriages all of my life, including my own