
i agree with superpooperfart (best handle on the internet btw). RMJ=H, it's not that i found your joke distasteful, it's that your joke was not remotely funny. making a sandusky joke at this point is akin to making a lewinsky joke at this point.

who cares? and that sideline reporter interviewing AP immediately after the win. she just kept asking AP about the damned record. 'how bad do you feel right now AP?' 'why didn't you get those other 9 yards?' 'you must be so heartbroken right now' Holy shit lady, he (and they) just made the playoffs!! that is a GOOD

nope, as i long as i have my keys on me, i just have to touch the door handle to unlock it and press a button to start the ignition.

people are right to think he had unrealistic expectations. and what's strange about that reaction based on the fact that he's a chef? no one's confusing Fieri with Puck. so why review it and hold Fieri to that regard? why review it AND lambast it? if i'm a music writer, i'm not going to review the next Nickleback

see reply to asdfgsda

i agree, people are dumb. like when they don't know what the word 'illusion' means. ugh, dumb people.

anyone else getting an error message for public transit in DC?

i just want the illusion of privacy, ok?! :)

could you be more specific with your insult?

it absolutely should

i never saw your original comment, but whatever it was, your edit totally makes up for it, kudos :)

people who would prefer to only once have to type in a location they commonly (even not commonly) need to directions to/from

i didn't say i expected it to have my search history. read carefully next time before responding.

yeah, like kvndugan said, not sure that's remotely relevant, but hey at least with iphone5 it only asks you every once in a while

at least Apple Maps doesn't make you sign in to just have it save your search history

why do i have to sign in to my google account in order google maps to remember where the hell i've already been. that's horseshit

on the suface yes, and i thought the same too for a while until i routinely was sent the wrong way. mi not talking about the oft cited and poor excuse of people getting lost in the outback. i'd gonna wager those people are very stupid. it gets annoying when you're sent to one end of a street and your destination is at

jeese, what a misleading title. at least Brian got his pageviews!

there's just one game the Pats played this year that reminds me of this one, when they played the Broncos, the other best team in the AFC. that's scary

what's wrong with that score?