
also, holy shit. Sean, you may have low-balled that first half prediction.

"Bob and the boys" cracked me up so hard



regarding some of the players warming-up for the game shirtless in the now: does this really temper your muscles to the temperatures you'll be playing in or does it have a counter-productive effect? You don't see starting pitchers icing their arms pre-game in October...anyone know?

why don't players use the driving services? why don't players not get into bar fights? why do players injure themselves doing back-flips off the bar? why do players drop $10 in the juke box so it plays Culture Club's "Karma Chameleon" 20 times in a row? hmm maybe it's because alcohol LOWERS YOUR INHIBITIONS AND

even Madden thought that game was unwatchable

i dont think ppl need to be encouraged to get drunk. unbecoming of a football player? he's not a clergyman. he tackles people to the ground as hard as he can for money.

this title is spot on. i don't believe these are (all) real

not sure i'm aware of the put-up-your-dukes 'dance'. i'm guessing you're the type that sees racism in everything. i just dont know what anti-white sentiment you feel is being conveyed here

dangit -1 for me

it's racist?

i think he want to school in Maine. still sore about that one after 19 years!? man what a kick

yep, just like Miami

hahaha taking it so seriously

hahaha its ok to admit you like music that guys in skinny jeans and beards like ya know

ok, so the reason I asked was because of your ridiculously dismissive and gross generalization of MTB as 'hipster music'. i wanted to see what 'non-hipster' music you deemed worthy of listening. but here you are listing several bands widely adored by 'hipsters' and could even be categorized by some (i.e., you) as

what do you like Craig?

hahahah agreed. its gotten kinda icky. and the music a bit too shiny and poppy

best comment ive ever read. like the whole bullshit of the "greatest generation". right. the Greatest Generation. that murderously racist, homophobic, chauvinistic generation.