
it is all relative though, whether you're saying or so not. those who are in desperate 'need for food/water in 3rd world countries' would need to engage in that kind of behavior - because that's what they believe to be necessary behavior to accomplish their goal. these ppl at wal-mart don't have that same need but

i always assumed people avoided saying 'butt' because it might make themselves or others uncomfortable. how 'buttocks' is chosen as the less wince-inducing word is a great mystery to me.

restricting trade...not such a good idea and rather anti-capitalist

dude, you didnt a read a single word of the article did you?

so 'it's just all relative' is what you're saying? in that case, it's really not so inherently bad. incredibly sad and stupid in this case of shitty cellphones for cheap, but it's still just supply and demand and the psychology of that in action. still it's really fascinating when you consider all the factors at work

are you retarded?

great observation and a deal breaker. and i thought this thing was so frickin cool :(

my office bathroom has walls that must be 3 feet thick and filled with lead because not a bar of cellular or WiFi data has ever gotten through. Ever read old tweets over again? It's like eating microwaved McDonald's french fries.

haha me too, and i totally agree. i also find the bostonian commenters that are pissed off and the anti-bostonians that are pissed off to be equally retarded and hilarious in their vitriol.

yep, i lived there too and we often called it south georgia, when you think about it is pretty damned sad that too improve the look/sound of your state you invoke the state of Georgia as a better option

A friend of mine who likes the Chargers says: "This is great because he's acting as if that new era will also employ him. FUCK HOLE, HE IS." - definitely a Halpern quote

thank you deadpsin for the brandon lloyd gif. i was laughing my ass off watching it in real-time and am now in tears laughing at the gif. "i'll just put that right there, and trot away, excuse me mr. 20 and triple lutz, la la la!"


gotta agree with ghostwheel. and besides who, besides barely anyone is every gonna see it, so who gives a shit? but other than that i think it was a great technology themed post

i think you're contradicting yourself cuz that's exactly what makes for stupid hash-tag usage.

maze of tasks? i see about 30-40 mins of tasks max - for 1 person. you'll probably also want to be one of those parents that wants your kids to think of you as a friend too.

so you're comparing PC's to phones? isn't that a bit like comparing cars to bikes or soemthing else that doesnt make any sense at all?

notasteakburner, i ttly agree about it harkening back to the original iphone

man, i love PJ and Release, but best song in your lifetime??

were those meant to be jokes and/or funny?