
i LOVE the opening credits to Louie. cuz 1.) that song's fucking awesome 2.) it's its own mini narrative - Louie (most likely) has a bad day, hops on the subway and heads for the comedy club to do an impromptu set to help him feel alive. but first, he succumbs to the uncontrollable urge to pop in for a quick slice,

10 years and 1,000,000 people too late with that reference, whotaketh.

lol was thinking same thing. had to scroll through all the comments to see if anyone else had beat me to it.

tard tard tard tard

Free Shoes University? What does that even mean?

the last bit of your comment is really the biggest part of the problem. it makes me want to move on, not discuss that thing cuz there will be no discussion to be had cuz everyone else has left the party too.

CHATROOM: How long until Gizmodo/Gawker ditch the internet's worst commenting system?

why can't they just trash the entire UI?!?

i see your point Jehovah and Drew your response was weak and evasive.

jeebus, now that theyve gone through all the bells and whisteles on this thing and its 199, its getting very hard to stick to a kindle cuz it has prime....waffling!

dude, cuz specs dont mean a thing if you cant do anything on it. Also, Fire isn't being sold as just an ereader with a store. check out any of its commercials.

so so true. content=$

could they have come up with a worse name for this thing?

alternate title for this story: "Attendance Record Shattered at Tropicana Field!"

is anyone remotely as excited for this as they were for WWDC or even MS Surface announcement? Blanket opinion: Google is frickin' boring, man.

i hears ya. that is a potential major bummer. there'd have to be incentive for apple to do it, whether it be cuz of the physical config of the phone's guts, design, new dock connector.

lol love this. but in all seriousness, 10 grand says it's called the new iPhone

but i started with an iPod touch and when i added an iPhone, i was all "wtf is this thing doing on top?" the more i think about it....maybe bottom is better? when it's in your hand that's more slack between the iPhone and your ear. i think most people do put it in their pocket upside down...again more slack.

how was anyone surprised about the way the 4S looked? the 4's design was only 1 year old and it was/is GORGEOUS. you could already assume that since after the 3G came the 3GS that after the 4 would come the 4S. why scrap what worked so incredibly well (notwithstanding antenna issues) so soon? it was 100% the best

totally agree. the two-tone seems very un-Apple. it makes the design itself fragmented