Randy Randerson

One of those music tracks:

Considering the Switch doesn’t seem to currently have a way to add your own music...probably their playlist.

I went down this rabbit hole last summer to try to get my beloved SNES to play nicely with my new 4k tv, and while I’m not usually one to give up, this process defeated me. I did a ton of research (including the previous Lifehacker guides and great Youtube guides), ordered well-reviewed RGB / SCART cable and adapter

The perfectly crafted internet comment: A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.

The ‘official’ timeline has always felt like they thought it was an obligation to the fans, because they know that it doesn’t matter at all. Of all the many games, only a couple really have a connection to others in any meaningful way outside of just being direct sequels to an earlier game (Skyward being the origin of

I just had this realization last night - I think I’m in the ballpark of 50-60 games, roughly 10 of which are major releases. This week is adding a few more to the pile - Dead Cells, Okami, and Minit are must-buys for me, and I hear whispers that Undertale, Hyper Light Drifter, and World Ends With You are coming in the

I agree - it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if the final act of the movie is Christopher Robin discovering that each stuffed animal represents a portion of his psyche that was fractured in the war. He then takes one last long walk into the hundred acre wood. Fade to black.

My first thoughts upon seeing the trailer:

My office is actually right at this intersection, I can see this exact spot outside the window near my desk. The one day I decide to go to the gym this week, and I miss this by a few minutes.

The consoles themselves? Maybe. The giant Scrooge McDuck vaults of gold coins that Nintendo made as a result of the Classic consoles though? Much more persuasive.

I have such a complicated relationship with Rebels. I absolutely adored Clone Wars and watched the series multiple times so I wanted to love the next series, but something never clicked. I think it just so rarely felt like it had the same gravity and weight, outside of maybe ten episodes (the Darksaber plot, Darth

Im currently enjoying Octopath the most in this capacity - grinding out some levels or knocking out a character chapter while watching Netflix. The game’s plot and characters are simple enough that they’re not holding my attention very long on their own, but the battle system is great fun for an hour or two at a time (

To be fair, the moisture farm from A New Hope is a) in the middle of a desert, and b) a private residence, so not required to meet compliance.

I do wish there was a subscriber discount that knocked it down to $5, but given his demented twitter feed even that would be a huge item on my budget.

Okami, Dead Cells, and Minit on Switch all in one week? *swipes credit card directly into dock slot*

Pokemon Picross or GTFO

I love when games go into this kind of musical detail, especially in RPGs. I’ve had this running theory about the music in Persona 5's battles. I have no proof of this, but it always seemed like the battle actions coordinated incredibly well with the music, so I’m guessing that the attack animations and transitions

I’m feeling the same way about Octopath - I can play it for maybe an hour per day before I start to feel the repetition, but that’s a fantastic hour. It helps that that’s about the right amount of time to go through a chapter, a couple side quests, or just do some grinding.

I’m doing the same thing, the new variety makes a huge improvement in the battle system. Since the Chapter 2 level requirements are a little higher than I was at, I just took a couple hours to walk the routes to each of the chapter 2 cities so I could fast travel to them when I’m ready, and I found 6/8 of the job

That’s very good to hear. I think I’ve played for 5ish hours at this point, so hopefully that will get better soon.