
My dad successfully used reverse psychology by telling me that drugs were really fun, but then he described every bad trip he went on. Then he asked that I wait until college to try drugs. At 12 I didn't want to do anything that my dad considered remotely cool, and 18 I had spent so much time thinking about all of the

YES. My mom's an alcoholic and my brother's a drug dealer - so guess who made it to her mid-20s without ever being drunk or high or even smoking a cigarette? I observed enough humiliating/terrifying/pointless stuff at a young age to realize it's just not worth it.

Anyway, trying to protect your kids from their own

My (super uptight, type-A) mom just told me last night that her friend gave her four joints the other day. I'm kind of stoked, now.

there are also videos like No Second Chance, that point out that if you have sex you'd better be prepared to die

Yes, this. I give him credit for being a supportive father and not (publicly) shaming his daughter. But I don't think all families have the structure and resources to do the same.

I wanted to SO BADLY. But we have size restrictions on the photos and his photo is gigantic. I linked to it.

People with views like his (I'm looking at you, Sarah Palin!) always seem to put their feet in their mouths. But the politicians taking a public stance on this whose children do find themselves young, unmarried, and pregnant seem to be mostly middle to upper-middle class. In that case, it's easy for them to say that

she talks about orgasms, you never want to have sex ever

He's just really really dumb on top of it all. So if she'd come forward a day later, would it have had a more likely chance to be rape? Ugh.

Honestly I used to think men didn't like women over even 30. I now realize the only men who think this way are not worth knowing, much less dating. And the guys worth your time don't want to date a decades-younger college girl anyway. It pretty much works itself out, I've found.

The worst thing about aging is that the more I do it, the closer I am to being dead.

The best thing about aging is that the older I get, the fewer fucks I give about the opinions of dickwads like these.

It's times like this I'm actually happy people are fucking morons with twitter. He has tweeted video and photos of him raping this girl and his friends and supporters can all be charged with crimes related to the images

He's currently being subscribed to various lists and follower bots by me.

The amount of people supporting this "whiteboylaflare"on twitter is revolting.

The place I work at now has a great one. Basically what happened was, they were doing this special New Year's Eve dinner where you had to buy tickets for ahead of time. And this guy bought a couple for his brother and his brother's wife, but on one condition: DO NOT SERVE HIM ALCOHOL. He was an alcoholic, I guess. So

People in the surrounding neighborhood had to evacuate their homes during the standoff. That was intense to say the least. I don't know if they've mentioned it, but I wonder why he killed his relatives (especially those poor children!). He was on his way to kill another relative! I just feel sorry for the victims and

For loser, entitled men it seems to be the the way they typically handle it lately. I am merely speculating..But it was probably "If only that bitch had not left me. I'll show her sort of thing. If I can't have you no one else will. "

I live around the area where this occurred. Watching this was really heartbreaking. It's especially sad since most of the victims are children. I hope this man rots in jail! Seriously, today was nothing but breaking news (in my area). This incident and another one involving a firefighter being critically injured while