Utah is really just a huge megachurch not a true state.
Utah is really just a huge megachurch not a true state.
Bless their hearts.
You cannot list that which has its own category.
See, that guy stealing the pussy lived in a tight state and once that pussy got out of hand, it might end up in a loose state and then you're stuck with too much loose pussy
judged a state's "tightness" and "looseness" on a variety of factors
#6. All three women are wearing the exact same pair of fuck-me pumps.
Really, Jezebel? Because clearly when women wear high heels to work it's because they'd like to get fucked? Office attire for women is already difficult enough to navigate without shaming women for wearing certain types of footwear (not to mention…
Honest question- did you even read this article?
I understand that you're being sarcastic, but you actually have it all correct.
I think it's more that the one image with people of color shows them all vying for the same dubious metaphorical prize. It's not like "herp derp they like watermelon," it's like, an uncanny representation of how racism actually plays out.
Searching for stock photos is typically both awful and hilarious. The best is when you find one featuring a mildly famous actor or actress clearly taken a few years before they hit "the big time". Back in my full-time designer days I once found a whole bunch of that guy from Napoleon Dynamite.
I see White people.
They are vamping for two!
That's vamping with a buddy!