
I also add a small fruit (half a strawberry) and some dish detergent. It works wonders.

WTF, lucky you survived without being branding in your sleep!

Her rapist accuses her of being 'quiet' for two months, to justify that this isn't rape. She might have not said anything because she did not want authorities, her family and the community involved in such a traumatic situation. She might have known how rapist are hardly ever held accountable by our criminal justice

This is sad on many levels. The most disturbing thing about rape is that with today's social media furry, victims of rape are victimized again and again, heck sometimes the online scrutiny and threats, jokes, memes are worst than the actual rape. You can no longer control our own narrative. When you're raped,

Porn is exploitation if you're trying to get a 16 year old to sign up.

Don't forget, mothers with newborns. That's extreme vamping!

I love you're first headline idea. Where can I sign up?

I'm so sick of Jezebel publishing the N word on their articles. Can you PLEASE stop doing that! I don't see you spelling out the f****t word. This is really getting out of hand. You're righting an article denouncing the use of the N word, yet you use the same word in your article. That makes no sense.

Maya is Blue Ivy's legitimate mother. Is everyone so blind? Maya and Jay Z created the perfect Illuminati shape-shifting reptile and Beyonce (the Chief Priestess of the Americas Branch of the Illuminati) is pretending to be her mother as she prepares her for the ultimate sacrifice. Look at Maya's picture! There are

Wow. I wonder how many of these judges are actually rapist themselves. They seem to sympathize and make excuses for rapist. I mean, what kind of judge would see a seven-year-old victim and think "provocative?" What grown man sees a child in a sexualized manner unless if that grown man is a pedophile? This is

Unfortunately many of the white Jews tend to be racist, especially towards the black Jews, and when you call them out on their shit, they say, 'I can't be racist, I'm Jewish.' I've seen more racism from Jews (in Israel and in the US Northeast) than I have from whites in the South, and I've lived in Texas, Louisiana

Lol! What show is this from?

This is so true. If you are white, people automatically see you as a human and attempt to connect to you regardless of what you have done. Let a black person commit a crime, and no one would try to rationalize what they were thinking, why they did it, what's their background story. Heck it could even be a black

But it seems like it all for show. A child can really gauge your emotional attachment, much more than an outsider/friend can. Some studies show that babies can sense when a mother is depressed and can exhibit those same signs of depression/agitation/high levels of cortisol, etc. You'd be surprised how intuitive

Wow, that puts a lot of things in perspective. It's a really sad story all around. Poor kid didn't know love from either of his parents.

Fuck your experiences, they do not in any shape and/or form define black women collectively. Again, quoting a comment I just posted:

Fuck off with your blatant misogynoir. Interracial relationships get a lot of flack from every single culture in this entire universe...so nice of you to point out the faults of black women. While you're at it, would you also like to use this time to point out other faults of black women from your limited personal

It's another form of misogynoir. They pretend as if they're making a 'simple observation' on something they've seen, and use some sort of personal experience to support their blanketed statement, but in all actuality they are attacking black women/people.

Wow, I had no idea. Thanks for this bit of info.

True. I'm merely a 'wishful thinker' like yourself. I know that this will probably never happen because of the social stigma of sex work and because of the criminals who find ways to profit from the misfortunes of others. Wherever there are major economic issues, or large wage disparities the poor are almost always