
Of course these lines are not clean. They're about as messy as they can get because some people are coerced into the industry, but end up staying later on their own volition and others do not fully comprehend the problems that come along with the job. The reason why these workers (mainly women) are not considered to

You make a good point. Although I hate pimps and view them as the scum of the earth, I hate to consider how many of these men are targeted because of their ethnicity.

Thanks for making a distinction between sex work and sex slavery. I work in an office and I am reimbursed for my labour (although I think I could stand to get a bit more reimbursement) that is why I am labeled a worker. Had I been forced to work 9-5 and only been paid 10% of my salary along with all of the mental

Clearly you're out here trolling. No need to respond to you. I hope you don't have any daughters...better yet, I hope you don't have any kids. Good day.

Men (read: Republican men) get "hysterical" about dumb shit all the time.

Well, you don't truly expect a black and white, two sentence response on a topic as complicated as this now, do you? Even if you don't take 2 minutes out to read my reply to you, I highly suggest you read the last paragraph.

Everything under the sun glamorizes and sexualizes violence against women, from religion all the way to popular culture. I actually think it's the more subtle daily shit we see and do not recognize that is more harmful to women and people in general than the porn industry. Although I do not agree with the

Makes sense know that you put it that way. I wonder if sex work would have been a sign of respect if women were viewed as active participants instead of as objects.

This is so true. It also true in regular crime/tragedy news that occurs. People are less saddened when a sex worker or person addicted to drugs is killed or hurt, but we are more likely to feel sad when someone like us is killed/hurt. I used to always wonder why, but I've noticed if someone in a completely

Say if you had a son, would you really want him to view porn? I have a daughter and no sons, but if I did have a son, I certainly wouldn't want him to be exposed to porn and come to expect that in his normal sex life and interactions with girls. If you had a son, would you want him to be a porn worker (heterosexual,

This is the second time I'm seeing the "Lady in the streets, and a freak in the sheets" statement being attributed to Ludacris on Jez. He did not coin that phrase, it is used a lot in the South and is even in Betty Wright's old school song.

Actually we should.

loool. I can't with you right now.

lulz. My thoughts exactly. I think anthrax is a troll.

haha....hahahahaaa... A white african complaining of being targeted by racism. I laughed so damn hard when I saw this, you've officially made my day with your hilarious statement. Good day.

I know this probably really wrong of me, but I have a spray bottle filled with bleach and water to spray at any bugs in my house.

Thank you for this link! you're the best.

Oh, ok never-mind. Disregard my last post.

Umm...I'm having a hard time understanding the point you're trying to state. I'm too distracted by the classist, elitist, and ableist comment. I don't have time for your type of people. Good bye.

Haha...thanks for pointing that out. I feel like I wasted a few minutes of my time on a troll. :(