
That’s where I’ve gotten the best results. Oddly I used to have a Weber, but it didn’t get nearly as hot as the cheap Thermos brand one I have now. Of course it was only two burners and I now have 3. What I need is a grill-worthy griddle for it, I ruined a nice old cast iron pan trying to make smashburgers.

Cast iron.  Heat the FUCK out of that thing, be cautious, and then throw that burger right on it.  Just be sure to have the windows open.

Oh gawd, now I want a greasy spoon cheese burger.

The “greasy spoons” also cook their burgers over heavy-duty quarter-inch carbon steel griddles that cook super fast and get that char that is almost impossible on a home stove.

Eat some 90/10 chili, then some 80/20 (or lower) and get back to me. 

If you didn’t learn to keep a metal coffee can on the stove top when cooking for the left over grease/fat, you had a poor teacher.

TIL that rinsing beef is a thing. It’s such a bad idea that it never occurred to me. In fact, with 85%/15% being the “norm” I look for the less expensive and fattier 80%/20% beef for my cooking. I don’t allow 93%/7% in the house.

What is a calorie

I freeze cooked or canned all the time. It’s the fresh ones that get to me. But I’m sure you are right and they would make fine sauce.

This almost exactly described an incident I had, but I had also got the friend a job at my work. We bounced her out around 2 months after the 20th apt she turned her nose up at because it wasn’t fancy enough.

Friends as tenants never stay friends”

You forgot the most important tip, make twice what you think you need. I always seem to eat half of the tasty little bastards when I’m making them.

Aha! I have never heard of this! I love to learn!

Lorne Sausage. Part of a Scottish Full Fry Up:

My favorite Spam dish growing up was shredded Spam, topped with shredded cheddar cheese, put on half a bun (open-faced style) and baked until the Spam was warm, the cheese was melted, and the bun was toasty.

I for one enjoy learning life hacks on lifehacker. Thank you!

I love the five-letter stuff but recently I’ve been buying white American slices (which have a slight Swiss character to them) in bulk form the restaurant supply store and oh my, they are so good.

If this weren’t so well written, I would think you were trolling me about people using mayo for grilled cheese.

Yes, it is exactly “fine.”