
Have you seen Best in Show? Parker Posey’s character is bloody brilliant.

oh! hell yes ma’am!

Y’know, I had to deal with my brother’s suicide, with divorce, with losing a job, with my dad dying of a heart attack at far too young an age. If I don’t want to watch dogs die on screen, I think maybe I “earned” that right and it doesn’t make me a weak person. If how we watch movies is how we’re supposed to measure

dogs drool

I get that you aren’t putting a gun to anyone’s head and forcing them to watch every movie ever made exactly as created but it really does come off insensitively. A lot of people have a lot of perfectly good reasons to not want to see certain content and it doesn’t make them weak. A rape victim is not weak for not

Same. It’s like when someone on Facebook shares an article/video/etc. about a child passing from cancer or something.  I just don’t get the motivation to share that stuff.  I wasn’t the one who chose to see it, but it was thrown in my face and I’m not able to get it out of my mind for weeks.

You just had to go and use a picture from Homeward Bound.
That’s like the ONE movie I literally cried about.
I was 10, don’t judge.

I refuse to watch Marley and Me for this reason. It’s not that I don’t know what happens, or that I think the dog actually dies. I know he doesn’t. I know it’s just a movie.
I just don’t

You should really try to convey opinions without seeming like you’re intentionally being a complete prick.

The scene with Shadow near the end, and then the ending.... hooo boy. I will cry like a baby til I die every time I watch that. 

And as an adult, I'm capable of understanding that it isn't "weak" to want to forgo some experiences

There is a big difference between art and entertainment. The mood you are in a the time you decide to watch a film or show matters. I watched The Revanent as a piece of art. It was brutal, but I appreciated the piece of art that it was. My wife was curious about it after I mentioned it in conversation. But when I told

Do whatever the hell you want, but I’ll be here criticizing as I see fit.

Don’t engage, he’s just so dissatisfied in his own life that he feels like he has to try to control other people. He doesn’t get to dictate how other people enjoy their media.

I should not reply to this. I shouldn’t.

Maybe just settle down and accept that some people don’t care to be unexpectedly reminded of their parent’s suicide while trying to relax with the latest Jeremy Renner movie.

After my mom passed I couldn’t watch anything with hospital/life support scenes for a while. I was already feeling those emotions too much and I specifically needed entertainment that would give me a brief reprieve. Having more information to make the choices about what to view/read isn’t a bad thing.

I disagree with you almost entirely. I do believe film is about immersion, so we agree on that. However, is the immersion of experiencing a dog or cat character getting killed always a benefit? I would argue it isn’t. Most of the time it is due to the folks behind the cameras wants to just get a rile out of the

(Looks up John Wick)

While I understand, and to an extent agree with, your point, I have to say I stand largely on the opposite side. That is because I go the “does the dog die” route with jump scares in horror movies with a site called where’s the jump. I understand the intended emotional response behind movies including jump scares but

I’m still after all these years suffering from ’Old Yeller’, which I saw (only once in my life) in its theatrical release a thousand years ago.