“They laughed at Jesus” is literally one of the Blackest things I’ve ever heard, bruh. Peak Black Mama/Grandma/Auntie. I can’t stop laughing!
“They laughed at Jesus” is literally one of the Blackest things I’ve ever heard, bruh. Peak Black Mama/Grandma/Auntie. I can’t stop laughing!
seriously, i’m done with you racist pricks. thanks to those with integrity who are willing to evaluate their own prejudices and how they may affect the liberty of others. jezebel is normally the place i go to have thoughtful discussions with like-minded people. but what is happening with your reactions to this story…
Is it really telling, though? What it tells me if that she is really playing up the well-meaning white woman as victim role (whether intentional or not) and he is already cast as the angry black male for passionately defending himself against a charge that could fuck up his entire professional career. we don’t even…
Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.
Two new laws in California and Oregon will allow women to forgo with a visit to the gynecologist in order to obtain…
They’re full of straight people boning each other.
Actually going to the bathroom? Do your bars not have back alleys?
Shhhhh, Bears! Do you have any idea how long women’s bathroom lines already are? If people start fucking in there I’ll have to wear Depends to the club.
Heck, if you’ve got a nurse in you you’re half way there.
That’s ridiculous, but why would you want to go listen to Greg Hardy speak anyway?
It’s like a dog farting and then staring at its own ass in confusion.
This is probably my favorite part of the media-hype train derailing—when the same media acts like it’s some great mystery that needs unraveling and only they can do it.
Maybe he was complementing on her eating all those punches in a beautiful fashion? Never bothered to think about that, did you?
Ronda didn’t lose. Holm won. Let’s give her some headlines!
Ah, good ‘ole “No true Scotsman” coupled with hyperbole and a gigundous helping of persecution complex, sprinkled with crazy. Delicious.
This article has nothing to do with the subject at hand, and the idea that Americans, media or not, are friendly or silent about Islam and Muslim people is laughable.
I’m really starting to feel sorry for all the oppression Christians face in this country. Shame, it is.
This has very little to do with him being a hard liberal Democrat, or gay, or atheist. It has EVERYTHING to do with him being a self righteous asshole. That is an affectation which knows no social boundaries. This is coming from a Black, female, single-parent, Progressive Christian. I can point out assholes from all…
Hmmm...so Christians and legal gun owners are being discriminated against by a hard liberal gay atheist democrat. Now that’s an interesting story, with interesting details.