a houseparty is different from a bar, no?
a houseparty is different from a bar, no?
same as you - except for going to all the games... I can’t even imagine what the larger context was that this quote was pulled from!
I also liked Dreamgirls despite Beyonce (I will gladly holler a rendition of the songs and best lines to anyone who wants to hear them), so I’m only slandering her not the movie! :-) ... but agreed on all your points!
I came here to leave this very same comment... no amount of acting classes or elecution coaches will make her fit to grace any screen. She couldn’t even act out her own life for Dream Girls!
no! but I would not have been surprised if he also stripped there. I met him at a bachelorette party. (is that spelled right, it looks so wrong)
worst sex ever: tasty black dude stripper in atlanta. that’s right essence, i’m talking about you!
Joined by Deana Carter, who penned the Kenny Chesney song “You And Tequila,”
Um, no it wouldn’t - because my narrative is about cities in which I’ve lived. If that’s your experience, speak on it - no one is stopping you. You being stupid on purpose, or is this an quotidian thing?
My brain knows this, but in my heart I think it’s possible to reach most people... I wish their ignorance caused them pain but I’m sure they are living their best lives (in basements eating cheetos/wherever trolls live now)
I wish to insert the laughing cry face emoji here.
clearly! or not. but whatever helps you get through the day peggy.
Curious how you’ve determined how many places I’ve lived in? Also, living in Charleston was enough to send the racism meter soaring, so not sure about why I’d need to go outside of Charleston to send it soaring?
What is a racist lenses? Also, perhaps you didn’t get that I lived in a city that wasn’t either Charleston or Abq while doing my phd, and that was not the most racist city? And that I lived in cities before Charleston, also not the most racist. I know logic and reason and critical thinking are hard, but please try it…
OMG! I wish someone had told me this before I accepted the job. In my head I thought “tri-racial state, majority-minority? This is going to be great!” No, worst three years (so far) of my life... <sobs> <prays for tenure-track job to open up in Mississippi>
Between finishing my masters and starting my phd, I worked for a year at the College of Charleston. During my tenure there were literally four black professors (for the entire cofc) and three administrators (including me). When I would tell friends how Charleston was literally the most racist place I had ever lived*,…
The slave mart did indeed sell slaves, obviously, people conflate the slave market (which the city has whitewashed into calling the “city market”), with the mart. The gullah baskets can be bought at the market, but that is hardly calling it tourism prominence. I can find more places to get boiled peanuts than I can…
no Pitbull, this does not have an almost dancehall feel to it.
as the one thousandth star giver - do i get a prize!?!?!?
No tea, no shade: but I really thought that was Jay-Z in a blonde wig circa heartbreaker.