
what everyone said, also Banks testified about what he did.

Dear Leslie,
When you do a ranking of the best I assume Trick Daddy aka leader of the #eatabootygang will be #1 on the list?
in christ,

i don't think you're a jerk! also, i'm always torn on the bitch thing b/c i use it (mostly as a term of endearment) though i get the objections... obviously i'm biased b/c my own frequent use of it but i wonder if it just hasn't become like dude or something similar?

but.... he didn't say you were confused (and here i'm assuming your reply means you read it as an insult to you), just that you were confusing some terms and their meanings?

much better - now don't you feel like this might engender a discussion (which i think could be pretty illuminating!)?

I'm going to venture a guess that you didn't actually read what she wrote - just the title?!?! Why even comment if you have nothing to offer? A critique of her piece would have been great, especially detailing why she should "sit her ignorant ass down", but that would mean you'd have to read.

i wish to promote this! because it really should be called a booklet!

you know we are of the same mind on many things - GET OUT OF MY BRAIN! :-) The self-serious tumblr post is too much. I have so much second-hand embarrassment reading it! I hope DDD gets some fucking friends who tell him to get a fucking life instead of waiting for adulation from internet strangers!

Reading that tumblr post I was so angry for you because he is so obtuse that it has to be willful, but then I realized anyone who thinks a review is "unbiased" is already unfairly disadvantaged. All we can do is pity him, and pray that he writes another self-published memoir in which he shows himself to be the

i was hoping he would offer a cogent rebuttal, but alas:

just me or is she looking a lot like jada pinkett smith in the face closeup?

home to the saddest, barest, pitifulest (not a word) outlet mall

that makes much more sense, your first comment was brow raising but i figured there must have been something amiss!

WHAT?!?! um, can you please explain this? i feel like i am missing so much here and before i interject i want to be clear about the point you're trying to make regarding the difference between being labeled hispanic vs european.

not cotdamn bieber! what is this world indeed...

probably the most true statement!

1. i'm sad mos def changed his name. i get why he did it, but that was the best name. and i also love him something fierce!

awwww damn gina! is there nothing good and true left in this world?!?!

i was going to reply indignantly in the name of our lord Kanye Kardashian, but then i watched the clip. whoo that was bad. thank goodness he writes clever lyrics, and he doesn't have to freestyle on records! but neither of those ladies write their own rhymes, so I would still give the point to kanye.

yep yep yep to everything you just said (and yes i can't believe we're really having an actual discussion about this)! i think she would have done some fun party songs, the aussie pit bull and called it a day, but now the whole world is just waiting to see how bad she fucks up this hip hop theatre thing she has going