do you think that is iggy's doing or T.I.'s? i feel that's some shit tip put on her...
do you think that is iggy's doing or T.I.'s? i feel that's some shit tip put on her...
i think now they aren't friends anymore right? the white girl mob done broke up... but here's a video to ease the pain! and i agree i prefer the timbre of kreayshawn's voice to iggy's but i don't know if it's b/c iggy's is so affected and kreayshawn sounds (high af is the most perfect description) like that all the…
true - she did get it out! and i guess that automatically makes her better than iggy...
i don't want to be selfish and keep this to myself:
iono - you've seen the clip of kreayshawn freestyling? watching both of their freestyling attempts back to back feels like dante's 5th circle.
am seriously wondering who do we think would win in a freestyle battle - kreayshawn or iggy azalea?
i don't know what F.U.N. is, I'm going to assume it's a song on one of his albums, but this post is about a specific song featuring Ne-Yo. I read your comment as an inability to distinguish between one black dude singer and another. Perhaps some explanation would have helped get your point across more efficiently.
can't tell if this is a joke...
no you are - one person says one time about a white devil. and they are specifically talking about darren wilson being killed for killing mike brown - and missouri is a death penalty state so i'm not sure what you're expecting. the one guy who says that in fact, goes on to say he would expect the same if a black…
so you keep posting one video, and never once did they say kill white people or cops. it's quite possible i'm missing something but i've watched this a couple times just to make sure. where in the video does anyone say what you claim - i need a time marker.
they called for justice against wilson for his actions -…
from the piece which you obviously didn't read because then you wouldn't have posted your asinine comment:
post those videos of people protesting for fewer people to be killed, by calling for more people to be killed. i'll wait.
you are an absolute fool if you think al sharpton's rhetoric and not the actions of the increasingly more militarized police departments and shitty legal system are the cause of bitterness and…
i just created a bookmark tab for gifs so that i could save that shiny suited man... #dead
rocsi is fourth? she was a horrible host. i don't know i might have had bow wow, terrance j and rocsi all tied for last...
but if you work inside a prison and aren't an actual inmate how would you know what was planned and what wasn't? it would appear to me some of the things mentioned in this piece were purposively framed to appear spontaneous but took some planning behind the scenes - wouldn't this be what you'd see on your end? also, i…
wait, can multiple people who have been imprisoned not all write about their time in prison? are we rationing out prison stories? how do i determine this enriquez fellow's story as told to a journalist is the most authentic prison story ever? i didn't realize 2009 was the beginning and end for publishing prison…
i have had this conversation multiple times with people and no one can explain where the fuck the third W is!
what is your definition of pwned? is it winthrop being unable to even barely answer the questions being posed to them because bilas outreasoned them at every turn and so resorted to repeating the same three talking points and then drudging up things not actually being said by bilas? then yes, i agree.
but i can't understand what you're saying joseline!
what is the video representing other than a black woman directly speaking back to those messages that deem black women, fat women, and god forbid those in the space where they overlap -fat black women - as being not important? how is that not the very definition of empowerment by declaring over and over again that she…