
congrats! west lafayette/indianapolis > charleston :-) i will now be not so creepy over email...

Hi Roxane! I've been a fan of your writing for a minute, so happy more people are climbing aboard the fan wagon... One of my friends is a colleague of yours at Eastern and I've told her to seek you out and be friends, apparently your department is the floor above hers. Is that weird/creepy? (I also want to be your

so what did you get out of this article then?

oh man i watched this last night, and in HD doug was even more, um... unevenly matched physically with jamie.
also, what is the point of doing this if there is no benefit - it seems to me they were almost all working/middle class, so they can't even comfort themselves with some good ol' fashioned social climbing/shit

lulz, i don't even know what this response is - but ok. also, i'm well aware of the construction of media figures - teach it every semester, but please tell me more about this phenomena which you seem to think is only for "mainstream" artists...

sometimes, and then sometimes i think they are genius!
syzurp wayne = not the best wayne. better than john wayne though, but not as great as wayne's world or wayne gretzky or the wayne's brothers on living color... :-)

i'm perfectly fine with people not writing their own lyrics - all of those people own up to it no? i can look at the liner notes and see who did what. long as she's upfront we don't have beef, but that's the issue here is that it seems to be an open secret - hence the minaj shade.

I KNOW! and still it was terrible!

hence the never forget and kreayshawn 2.0

i would imagine because the quickest way to shut down talk about how T.I. is ghostwriting your lyrics for you is to have to come up with them on the spot. does that answer your question, or is there more you were fishing for in my response?

yes, i know. that's what i was replying to. why are you reposting it?

Now playing

i am patiently waiting for the day iggy azalea has to participate in a cypher (actual cypher not pre-rehearsed/written bet awards crap) or freestyle for some folks so that everyone can agree she was overhyped and undertalented. kreayshawn 2.0 - never forget:

the point is there are many ladies on their grind all day every day, selling their mixtapes, making videos, and all that jazz. i would like to see them make it too. and if i'm being honest i would rather they make it than iggy azalea - mostly b/c i feel azalea is not that awesome of a rapper.

that shit is still hilarious a week later...

how long do i freeze* the numbers tho?

*i blame the colorado cigarette i was enjoying but the response "til it's frozen" had me in stitches for the better part of that day...

had super high sex drive before mirena and there was no change. love it, i tell all of my friends to make the switch!

1. no matter who you believe (and it would appear by your internet rantings that you believe the manager), this is a crappy/weird/shitty thing no?
2. there are all sorts of things people do in order to keep their jobs, even if you and i think that is dumb/terrible/illegal - imagine that.
3. you brought up the amount of

real talk: were there a way to mail them so they would be delicious when you got them, i would send you some straightaway!

do you mean impossible to find east of the mississippi? 'cause one of the very few good things about living in new mexico is sopapillas with just about every damn meal... (and despite having lived in almost every state in the southeast i've never seen them on the menu) <off to find some honey to put on this