not for an actual psych experiment... cleverusername's post about IRB protocols is spot-on.
not for an actual psych experiment... cleverusername's post about IRB protocols is spot-on.
he played a hot, normalish guy on that show "drop dead divas" before mad men and so it was hard for me to get on the neurotic ginsburg train when he showed up!
i thought that might be it since the boxes work in other browsers, except these tweet boxes stopped working only a few days ago and i don't remember updating anything?
is anyone else having issues seeing these tweet boxes in chrome? is there a fix/workaround for this?
apparently if you click on the links you read that there was a friend involved in the baking, so yes she made tainted cupcakes with gross ingredients, not bodily fluids: "The cops said that more than one student besides the initial bullied teen was involved in preparing the cupcakes, but that the ingredients did not…
I didn't know about your other very dumb comments until this one, so there was no bias going into reading your original retort - rest assured. Additionally, I'm not in the habit of giving points, but I am in the habit of always hoping that people not go the lazy route of throwing out some (in your case, not so) clever…
I would say feel free to use it, but after perusing your commenting history I can't imagine you'd ever have the upper hand in anonymous internet commenting 101 to even have a chance to use it. Yes, I replied to your reply to Burke. Where he compares one franchise business to another. You said that comparison was…
what is difference exactly? are you trying to argue now (which is not what you did originally) that the NBA is not a brand and there are rules they have for their franchises for the maintenance and success of that brand? which is the exact same thing mcdonald's does? for real for real, what are you arguing with…
The comparison is that there is an entity that decides whether or not what you are doing is in keeping with their vision. McDonalds can do that to a franchise (for selling blankets instead of cheeseburgers), and the NBA can do that to Sterling (for being an ol' racist ass) - seemed to me the comparison was a…
i just blame kinja!
"internalized homophobia"? am i missing a comment somewhere?
as the others have pointed out they are certainly not getting a "free" ride - they are workers, working - when they should be students, learning.
I can't decide if this is a serious post or not. "It's not your place"?!??!? For real? Who are these children who apparently don't ever leave the home, consume any media, have any friends? How is it the parents are the only source of any info for these children you have birthed/reared/not-reared? Do work out your…
What about cleaning dingy door handles for non-stainless steel fridges? I've tried bleach, scrubbing hard, wishful thinking...
weird, i had to run to teach and i hadn't finished my reply, but kinja went ahead and posted it! (creepy kinja) but thanks for your reply - most definitely agreed this hiring committee blows!
also, i've just learned from one of my friends at another school that she didn't get maternity leave so while i also didn't…
nope - as an academic who went through this negotiation myself in 2012, nothing she asked for was unfair, nor should it give a liberal arts college "serious pause". and it's not about understanding academia or not, this is about a crappy school with probably more qualified candidates than they deserve opting for…