Do you think art should be separated from the artist?
Do you think art should be separated from the artist?
Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
the phrase i read in the old place was “woke for clicks” as in the signals of the headlines are in direct opposition to the means and ways of the corporate overlords.
Don’t use “Wahhh” when mocking other’s comments, it marks you as living dogshit.
But how many of them were incredibly tedious Trump related nonsense? When I first visited this site politics was a very minor aspect of it, and all the better for it.
How does it feel to spend that much time and effort on something that almost nobody sees on account of the terrible site design?
OUTRAGE CONTENT! should be a new feature.
Do they talk about gassing the jews? Do they drive cars into crowds of people? Do they kill their girlfriend’s parents?
In the end, content is content. Good or bad (and GJIs are generally bad content), there’s noticeably less of it.
I did a search for I Love You, Daddy torrents. The results were...uhhhh...not what I thought they’d be.
As sad and horrifying as it is, I’d say the far-right is the Person of the Year. 2017 was the year we realized how bad institutionalized sexual abuse has been, but it’s also the year that real Nazis became legitimized.
Well considering most Trump supporters are actively voting against their own best interests, I’d say they are pretty darn unselfish and being quite generous in giving tax breaks to the wealthy.
There is such an overwhelmingly negative and cynical slant to these previews when one considers how well acclaimed films like The Disaster Artist and The Post have been elsewhere.
This is far from the worst Christmas song you’ll hear by a very wide margin. The hate here seems misplaced.
Also, as much as it sucks to have to constantly hear about revelations of sexual misconduct it’s better for us to know about them than not.
If something brings you joy and is not directly hurting someone else, then it is worth fighting for.
So Morrissey played a festival and a Morrissey concert broke out?
Coincidentally, “Morrissey has some stupid shit to say,” is the exact expression Morrissey uses to preface any statement he’s about to give.
You know what more disrespectful than taking a knee during The Pledge Of Allegiance or National anthem? Serving in the US military, fighting for our freedom, coming home and getting shot dead because you were driving while Black.