Tidal Town

85 stars, and taking 3 hours to get there.

Because no one gives a turd....and why should anyone?

The same reason there’s no WNBA coverage. Because no one fucking cares.

Because women’s sports across pretty much all disciplines is equivalent in skill to high school boys teams, and no one wants to pay money to watch that level of skill.

It’s pretty simple.

The WNBA exists solely because the NBA funds it. On its own, the WNBA would have 1.) never gotten off the ground and 2.) died within three years if it somehow managed to get off the ground.

I visited Nashville last year to see Neil Young and had a great time. There is music everywhere all the time.

I’ll tell you who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma. My parents, Martha Stewart and William Shakespeare.

You mean credible and not staffed by a shit ton of racists and sexual predators? Yeah, that would be horrible.

Just walk up to the tv and change the channel. Jesus

Everyone that disagrees with you isn’t a troll. Enough with the echo chamber.

It’s not just equating wealth with worthiness that’s the problem, it’s the whole culturally ingrained notion of a work ethic. To not work is to be a bad person in our society. But emerging technologies have eliminated the simple mechanical jobs that formed a backbone of opportunities. Soon, in order to work one

Of course she’s getting blowback - there’s literally never a “correct” way for a white person to address or mention the black community without being called a racist with some Tumblr ramblings of intersectionality — and as much as any one wants to grab their pearls over it, you know it’s true. 10/10 times you are

False intelligence by the GOP caused the bipartisan votes.

Agreed. Even Bama’s defense couldn’t stay on the field that long against that good of an offense and not get exhausted. We needed our offense to just string together a few drives to let them rest; hell, we didn’t even need to score. If our defense had been just a bit tighter on that final desperate Clemson drive we

I hate to lose, but that was a great game. Clemson played their hearts out and Watson was on fire, so my hat’s off to them. Toughest game of the year for Bama and in the end they were just better than we were.

Absolutely wonderful speech. And suit.

Why is it disheartening that lala land is sweeping the awards? It was an amazing movie.

A tax cut for corporations will help only shareholders—it will do absolutely nothing to bring even one job back to America. And if the media had been even remotely responsible about pointing out that Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns means we’ll never know precisely how his economic “policy” benefits him

“Or you could go to Alabama...where almost all your games will be on national TV in front of millions of viewers, and you’ll play every game in front of 80,000+ crowds, and you’ll compete for national championships every year, and you’ll be on the radar of every NFL scout.”

Come on, its clearly oil dude. Just this once can we have nice things??