Tidal Town

It’s because the + at the end. They don’t want Google+ infiltrators.

Why give her her job back?

If I hate you, your facts are wrong

When your options become go out of this world on your knees or on your feet... I chose feet.

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

Can you point us to those experts?

Every story is problematic if you have enough free time to think about it.

This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.

Fraternity gets accused of gang rape it never did in a national magazine.

Now now, don’t get all worked up because Millennials are trying their best to exist in a society where previous generations - most notably rapaciously greedy Boomers - were happy to take advantage of goodies like lower cost education, plentiful job opportunities (with the prospect of advancement), employer provided

How about all the people who voted for Clinton solely to check off the box in Presidential Demographics Bingo?

Because a vote for a candidate that loses is not wasted, it’s someone expressing their choice for who they would like to see in the office. You may pretend we only have two choices, but some of us don’t and will vote that way. If our candidate loses, so be it, but we’re not responsible for your candidate not

I could maybe see Brad with some explosive anger issues. 

Calling people superpredators was a very sexist thing...amirite?

As a white Nashvillian, I can assure that most things are!

They work hard. More people should try it.

In this case it’s the recent push for a cashless society which has huge benefits if you’re a bank or government wanting to create then collect debt.

Boomers say millenials need trophies to feel adequate, when it was the boomers that created job titles to accomplish the same thing.

No. That's the maximum penalty for reckless endangerment. She won't get that. The maximum penalty for rape is much worse.

Solid, powerful surround sound at a reasonable price. Also not a bad looking set of speakers.

Solid, powerful surround sound at a reasonable price. Also not a bad looking set of speakers.