Tidal Town


The fact tthat you were paid to write this article is pathetic. Let’s stop beating around the bush. Just offer to walk your boss’s dog during the day for some cash while they are at work. It will be a better use of your time and their money.

Oh my god, pull some people out of the grays on this topic. Please.

the absolute state of deadspin in 2019

Yes, obviously, the strength of the rest of the Washington Mystics roster is known to all.

So, every other sport in the program has to suffer because of a scandal in the gymnastics divison. Okay.

Yeah because Tom Izzo and the players totally knew what was going on within the women’s gymnastics program and just ignored it.

Its dumb when people act like these kids are not getting anything. Sure for a top player like Zion who is a consensus lottery pick right out of HS, they are definitely getting short changed. But for the vast majority of college basketball players the compensation is pretty good. Full scholarship (worth hundreds of

I hate the NCAA (as well as Duke) and the bullshit as well but this line is flat out bullshit:

Wait, I thought they were supposed to be *against* identity politics?

My state elected a monster last night - Marsha Blackburn. However, I am getting hounded on twitter for being a woman and not supporting her. I am a liberal who votes democrat but also doesn’t support people just because of the gender.


Skeevy as in white, male, cis gendered? Fits the description, huh?

So what are your thoughts on the gunman who broke into the house of Gavin from the Slo Mo Guys? Do you think a guy who made videos of... things in slow motion... was deserving of it?

Looked like Terry Pendleton was about to let that chicken shit catch some hands

I blame Jeter, that sniveling fuckstick. I hope he gets eaten by a manatee.

Tense Idiotic Asian Porcupine

I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again today, give them a tough game in round 1 and these fools just might win the tournament

Finger Roll Tide

Don’t let any of these people ruin your favorite movies.