Tidal Town

There was a short shot in the ending sizzle reel of it on its side.

To what? Not cover vital topics about our future?

Yeah, only a complete idiot would think that.

lol fucking moron.

I know now, post-update, this says it’s coming to the U.S., but it does feel like Nintendo has a habit of keeping a lot of unique designs to Japan. Do they really sell that much better there than in the U.S. (and the rest of the world) that it’s not worth doing everywhere? Just thinking about how large the video game

Rightwingers aren’t exactly known for their intelligence. They can sure “ReeEe!!1!” in unison fairly well, though.

Conservatives are morons and hypocrites. 

Well, he is, as are all his braindead followers. And y’all are going to fucking hate the future where the rest of us marginalize the shit out of you and you die sad and alone. Sad!

The rage boner you MAGA idiots have for the UN is hilarious. Quite frankly, I’m actually impressed you can type semi-coherent sentence, seeing as you morons have the IQ of grapefruit.

You MAGA idiots whine more than anyone on the planet. The only person with a more fragile ego than you is Durr Leader. Fucking morons.

Aw, someone’s mad we insulted daddy.

*wanking motion*

Aw, do you get upset when we insult daddy? It’ll be okay.

Yeah, when even an Alabama fan recognizes that alt-right shitheads deserve to be marginalized out of society, you know there’s a problem.

“Alt-left” isn’t a thing. No excuse making for the alt-right nutjobs. If you give them too much confidence they’ll go shoot up a school or rape someone. Fuck those people.

Quality of Joker as a movie aside, I’m all for marginalizing media that has become champion for the incel crowd. They deserve nothing positive in their lives.

…what’s wrong with Batman?


Definitely a fucking incel. Fuck off. The world doesn’t want you.

Check out their post history. They obviously have the IQ of a grapefruit.