Tidal Town

Wait, when was this a thing? Other than those Cowboys fans from the “America’s Team” days everyone I know down here is 95% likely to be a Falcons, Titans, or Saints fan and I’ve lived here all 30 years of my life. Where are these “Southern Skins” fans you’re talking about? Other than the DC/NoVa transplants?

…then go see it? It’s really good.

Go play in traffic, fucking xenophobe.

Take your “both sides” bullshit and kindly fuck right off.

So Mexico is suddenly not some third world shithole anymore? You people really need to agree on a narrative.

Go play in traffic.

Well, that’s the price for early adoption.

How many other states do early voting? In Tennessee, all registered voters can participate in early voting 20 days before the election itself and up to 5 days before. And unlike voting on election day, every polling place in your county is available for early voting, rather than just the one

Go play in traffic, idiot.

Fucking moron.

Not until he remembers that running backs exist.

Props on the name finding, but just to reiterate:

It’s my job as a consumer. Sorry, you don’t understand how that relationship works. Fucking. Unacceptable. Welcome to business.

It’s my job as a consumer. Sorry, you don’t understand how that relationship works. Fucking. Unacceptable. Welcome to business.

Business is a bartering system. The effectiveness of the network or its efficiency isn’t my concern, it’s my concern to demand the highest quality at the lowest price. That’s my job as a pro-consumer and a consumer in general. Ergo, that’s the attitude I take.

It’s my job as a consumer. Sorry, you don’t understand how that relationship works. Fucking. Unacceptable. Welcome to business.

It’s my job as a consumer. Sorry, you don’t understand how that relationship works. Fucking. Unacceptable. Welcome to business.

They only care about making those Google execs and board members money. Fuck the devs and content creators. If they want us to embrace this “streaming economy”, then this shit is unacceptable. Fix your fucking shit, Google.

If they want us to embrace the “streaming economy” than this shit is unacceptable. Sorry, that’s just reality. And I don’t pin that on the developers, they’re doing everything they can. I blame it on the executives and board members. Take a fucking pay cut, spend that money on devs who can fix these problems. I don’t

That’s literally what Trump supporters say they are.