Tidal Town

List of “horrible things” please. We’ll wait. Fuckwit.

Are you denying systemic racism? Because if you are, you’re a fucking idiot. 

Go play in traffic, troll.

The Presidents’ Trophy banner covers all of it. None of us are okay with the third one. The cringe is palpable.

The thing about conspiracy theories is, the more moving parts you’ve got, the exponentially more difficult it becomes to keep the conspiracy a conspiracy. Ergo, I’m not buying the idea that everything being done to improve life on Earth, because the UN may or may not support is, is being done to make the UN leaders

Well (a) a lot of scientific research is carried out at universities, (b) there are plenty of fields where private investment and R&D is done privately [medical], and (c) I’m not sure what your point is. This is all a hoax? To whose benefit? The government’s? How? The scientists’? Of course, scientists want more


Nah, that couldn't be it. 

I meant to reply to OP with that. That’s my bad.

Socialism and communism, like democratic republic, are words with definitions. Just because you use a word doesn’t mean you’re using it right. Unless you’re telling me North Korea is a Democratic Republic just because they say it is.

Not to mention: what happens when the border becomes the Rio Grande? Do you stick a wall in the middle of the river? Doesn’t seem very feasible and who knows what kind of environmental impact that could have. The U.S. side? Ranchers use that river all the time. The Mexican side? Can’t really say you want the U.S. to

And North Korea is definitely a Democratic Republic.

I’m so fucking over this phrase. Everyone “virtue signals”. It’s not a “thing” the way you think it is. Shut the fuck up.

I really, really don’t like Winston.

I definitely didn’t read that right the first time.

The fuck did I just read?

The way I’ve always viewed it is a ball carrier only has one hand to defend himself. Ergo, the rules get bent a bit because an LB or DB is free to use whatever is at their disposal when they make a hit.

I’m not willing to bend on either the Oxford comma or “okay” being the only acceptable way to spell that as an actual word.

Considering, for example, the mere existence of gay people in games has some people crying “political!”, I don’t think those people are being reasonable.
