Tidal Town

The budgets are separate. I’m not saying that as an excuse, it’s just the truth. Fact is, a lot of old money Alabamians are willing to donate towards athletics and not the school itself and those accounts are separate (and we’re one of the few ADs in the black). The school absolutely needs investment as well. Though

You’d be surprised by how many good-ol’-boy and old-money lawyers we’ve got down here. Welcome to Mountain Brook.

The state and the university could use WAY more money, however, there is a separate budget for athletics from donors. And I can’t imagine that same budget would’ve existed for the university at large. Welcome to Alabama.

Ender looked like he was ready to fucking go.

Good on Snit for leading the charge out there. What an absolutely spineless move from Urena.

It was absolutely intentional.

Tried the PC trial… game is super buggy.

The main thing I wanted from the Titans uniform redesign this offseason was a new, better logo (or at least the T/sword logo). Just, ugh.

And then men win 99.999% of every athletic competition in existence.

That’s not how being in public works.

But people can and do block ads online thanks to things like ad blockers. That’s the problem. People aren’t willing to pay for content (whether that’s via a subscription or some other method) but they don’t like ads either. People literally just want news for free and that’s not sustainable.

That’s the problem. Real, good journalism takes a lot of work. Someone has to pay the people willing to do that because it takes enough time to be a fulltime job.

I love Freddie, easily my favorite guy on the team, but I would’ve rather seen Albies in the Derby.

Sod off.

No “real argument” is needed. The OP called out a false equivalency as being such. That’s all that’s required to be said. Your “rebuttal” was nonsense.

Sure you do.

I find it interesting, going off your username, that self-avowed moderates/centrists who claim that “both parties suck” always seem to be bashing liberals/the left, rarely if ever conservatives/the right. Makes me think you’re not being all that honest, really.


I find it interesting that the “moderates” and “centrists” always claim that “both sides are bad / the same” yet seem to spend the majority of their time lambasting liberals / the left and only liberals / the left. Makes me think the whole “centrist” thing is bullshit.
