Tidal Town

I mean, what do you want people to do? I agree that people, in general, should be more tech savvy but you can’t expect the majority of the population to be ahead of the or any curve; that’s never been true of anything nor will it ever.

What is the “gay agenda”?

Straight person here: What is “gay propaganda”?

When people stop bitching and moaning about any and every gay character being “pandering” and “tokenism” and “SJW PC bullshit” while those same people never say a word about any straight character. Once those idiots get it beaten into their tiny brains, then we’ll have achieved something.

When did gamers become such homophobic d bags

I know, all those icky gay people must bother you so much. You’ll be okay, bb.

I’m not defending “Reddit”, I’m “defending” the very specific subreddits I mentioned. Unless you think r/AskALiberal is pro-the_Donald? Because that would make you a moron.

Only if you’re staying in r/all posts or hanging out on the_Donald for some reason. We don’t tolerate that shit on r/AskALiberal, r/woodworking, r/DIY, etc.

Some uniform standards are okay. They help teams visually assess the game as it goes on. Jerseys, pants, helmets, etc., that kind of uniformity is okay. But shoes? Socks? Names? Gloves? Come the fuck on. If golf is cool with Rickie Fowler (and I like golf and Rickie) than the NFL sure as fuck can be with shit like

f you’re going to r/all you’re doing it wrong.

That’s not “forced heterosexuality” though, not in the context we’re using for “forced homosexuality”. Forced homosexuality implies that the only reason gay characters are in a piece of entertainment is to fill some sort of “gay quota”, meaning they’re simply token characters. In your example of “forced

It’s weird to me because being a “Nintendo fan”, that is, a fan of Nintendo things, seems very unique.

That’s not our role in business. As consumers, we’re supposed to desire and demand things that benefit us, like higher quality, lower prices, and in this instance, crossplay. It’s how bartering works.

Plenty of reasons to go ahead and get one now.

She could still have a child. She’s gay, not infertile.

This toes that line where I can’t tell if trolling or not.

Are you drunk?

They want the male power fantasy and that’s all they want. They want to play the strong male lead who gets the beautiful woman and if there must be gay people, well, they better be hot chicks, ‘cause “muh boner”. They do this to make up for their shitty lives. The Venn Diagram of those dudes and incels is a circle.

Being gay doesn’t mean you’re infertile. Surrogacy is a thing. You know that, right?

No, those discussions were about unnecessary and/or over-sexualization of women, not “forced heterosexuality”. Are you for real?