Tidal Town

It was a bad, bad injury, and I hope he really, really considers his future here. But, I’m not surprised a player wants to go back to playing. I don’t think it’s that big of a stretch to say that a professional athlete enjoys playing the sport they’re good at.


Man, they’ve all been stumbling through this thing so far. Lotta flubs.

Their fellow conservatives?

How many MEN online are being insulted for being men versus how many WOMEN are being insulted online for being women?

You’re not this stupid. Context, dude. Context. It matters.

There’s a difference between being insulted because you’re a person and being insulted because you’re a woman.

Probably trying to use “sympathy” as an excuse to sleep with her. Those guys are the same ones that frequent r/MGTOW and frequented r/incel. Fucking losers.

I don’t support that PUA behavior whatsoever, and yes, “but” incoming”, BUT you are exactly right. The guys that DO do such things are, you know, attractive, in shape, clean, hygenic, etc. A bunch of overweight, fedora wearing, unshaven, sexist douchebag that, on the “societal attractiveness scale”, are a 3 at best,

Lets take it a step further: Marginalize them IRL, don’t communicate with them, marginalize them, don’t hire them, alienate them. Either they address their bigotry or they die alone. Either way, we’re good.

What exactly constitutes this “shift to the left” and what parts of that don’t you agree with?

Did I say I wasn’t happy with the success we had this season? I can both be so and disappointed we aren’t going to be playing hockey in June. I was literally only commenting on the opinions of other teams’ fans. Take your “bandwagon” and chill out.

In my experience, it lasts for exactly one season. The general good vibes I mean.

Well, I’ll at least be happy for Fleury and the Real Deal James Neal.

I don’t like it. I don’t love it. I don’t want any more of it.

The sport that gave us the bat-flip should have no problems with any form of celebrating IMO. What are we, the NFL?

Signed, Braves fans.

Do I care about Facebook or Google selling my data to third-party advertisers? Not really. Truth be told, if I’m going to see digital ads (and I rarely do thanks to ad blockers) I’d prefer they be tailored to me rather than just random shit. My problem, however, is I don’t trust these companies with my data because

To be fair, ToS documents have gotten way out of hand.