Tidal Town


Even if you ignore the contents and the dog, the delivery person shouldn’t be dropping packages like that. Obvious negligence and probably worth being fired over. Same goes for the USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. delivery person.

Considering the fact Trump is destroying every past president in rounds of golf played, I think the “honor” of a golf show is reserved for him. But he’s too busy playing golf to film it.

It’s been the most confusing season of basketball for this team that I can remember.

This team has made no sense all year. Hung with or beaten some great teams, been beaten if not blown out by shitty ones. I threw my hands up weeks ago and just said, “Fuck it, let’s just see where the ride takes us.”

Oh brother, go fuck yourself.

Video games are art, and art sometimes gets political.

I think a little trash-talking during a match is fine, but if you really need to be allowed to yell “faggot” that much, I think you have other issues.

Who cares? We get it, you don’t like women or minorities in your video games. Tough shit.

“Historical setting” where you can drink health potions. Pffft

No, it’s not. But this hyperbolic take is.

It’s abstinence-only entertainment.

Guns are a tool, a tool meant to make killing things easier (that’s not hyperbole, that’s a fact). Obviously, the assailant bears the majority of the blame, but ignoring the point of a tool is irresponsible.

Many fans of many teams have said the atmosphere in Bridgestone is a good time. You have something against having fun? Yeah, maybe we’ll be back to where we were 10 years ago in a couple years, so be it. I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts.

Jesus, you needed two posts to bitch about the Predators? Who shit in your Cheerios this morning?

Let’s be honest, no hobby is cheap.

I assume they mean the world building isn’t done well.

Twitter is not the same as the Chinese government. Are you for real?

Tell me more about your casual racism.

Are you not a libertarian?